Lucky For You That’s What We LIPO!

Lucky For You That’s What We LIPO!

HAPPY SUMMER! It’s officially the first day of summer, which means it’s officially swimsuit, beach, and pool party season. It feels like this year has flown by and we can’t believe it’s already half way over! You may have slacked off on some of your New Year’s...
How to FALL Back Into Shape

How to FALL Back Into Shape

Basic fact: It’s hard toΒ notΒ love fall. There’s the crisp, fresh air, the excitement of new beginnings, the pumpkin everything…you get the idea. But aside from pumpkin latte-induced giddiness, there’s a whole separate reason to love the season: It’s a perfect time to...
BMR: Why It Matters

BMR: Why It Matters

Is it possible to lose weight if you stay in bed all the time and do nothing? Sure, as long as you eat just enough to stay alive. What is BMR? The energy needed for our body to function at rest, while doing nothing, is calledΒ basal metabolic rateΒ or BMR. It is the...
How Body Fat Affects Your Health

How Body Fat Affects Your Health

The term β€˜body fat’ is a familiar one. However, most people associate this word to obesity, cholesterol and an unhealthy constitution. Although excess body fat content can have severeΒ implications, the body requires a specific content of body fat for various metabolic...