July’s Product of the Month: Energy Clarity

Energy Clarity spotlight

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When you have a lot to accomplish throughout the day, sometimes it can be hard to maintain the energy that you need to get things done. Fortunately, our weight loss clinic located near Houma, LA is proud to offer our community the Energy Clarity supplement which was created to offer the boost you need to become more focused within just 20 minutes of taking it. 

Try Energy Clarity

Energy Clarity was made to support not only your energy levels but also to help improve your mental Clarity and focus. It seamlessly combines a healthy blend of natural ingredients that help to improve cognitive function and provide lasting energy without having to worry about crashing down. Maybe you’ve had a hectic day at work and deadlines are near or you simply have several personal projects to get done. Either way, Energy Clarity is a fantastic supplement to add to your daily routine.

While many other energy supplements on the market are loaded with caffeine, which can jolt your system, without providing nutrients, our supplement has ingredients like gotu kola and green tea for a more natural boost. Chase brain fog and exhaustion away with this supplement that can be taken up to four times a day. 

This supplement is ideal to use when you are facing hormonal fluctuations, anxiety, and stress without wildly throwing your mood for a loop. Our weight loss center makes supplements that work with your body instead of against it so you can get the most out of your day. 

Shop for Energy Clarity Near Houma, LA 

Are you ready for that “pick me up” to help you rule the day? Our supplement Energy Clarity is a great resource for you. Our team is happy to help you explore this supplement and all that it has to offer. Contact us today! 

Shop for Energy Clarity

Navigating Weight Loss with Aspen Clinic: Services, Insurance & Costs

person jogging

Schedule an Appointment

Our weight loss clinic is proud to serve the Covington, LA community and beyond by offering a wide variety of weight loss resources. Our programs are designed to meet your personal needs, ensuring that you receive the most effective and personalized care to live a healthier lifestyle. 

What We Offer

At our Clinic you’ll find programs for both medical and all-natural weight loss. You can visit one of our sites for nutritional behavior classes to learn nutrition for a healthy lifestyle, general health education, and motivation. We offer you a community of experts who want to see you succeed.

You can also meet with one of our qualified physicians to go over your needs and to receive the prescription medication best suited for you. Our team can provide a personalized weight loss plan, created with your current situation highly in mind to ensure more chances of success. 

You will find all-natural supplements designed with high-quality ingredients supporting functions such as your immune system, blood pressure, metabolism and more. We make products that work and offer frequent discounts so you don’t have to break the bank. 

Although we do not accept insurance at our clinic, you can take the receipt from your treatments directly to your insurance company for them to offer reimbursement. The most common coverage for weight loss resources usually comes from HSA cards. If it processes like a credit or debit card, we can accept this form of payment. 

Explore Resources at the Aspen Clinic Near Covington, LA

Are you ready to venture into a healthier lifestyle? If so, our team is here to help. We invite you to contact us to learn more about the resources offered at the Aspen Clinic and to schedule a consultation today! 

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June’s Product of the Month: Diuretic Balance 

Diuretic balance

Shop for the Diuretic Balance Supplement

Proudly serving Covington, LA and surrounding areas, our weight loss center is thrilled to offer our community amazing products created to improve your well-being. We are thrilled to present our product of the month, Diuretic Balance, a supplement designed to support your body’s natural detoxification process. 

The Function of Diuretic Balance

Diuretic Balance is made of a powerful blend of ingredients such as dandelion, Uva Ursi and Juniper that help with fluid balance and decrease bloating. Formulated with high levels of B6, you can prevent fluid retention and water buildup within the tissue. When this happens, you can enjoy a smoother weight loss journey. 

Getting rid of water retention is important because it can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. This tends to happen more when you have a diet made up of salty foods. When you eat a more balanced diet and incorporate Diuretic Balance into your lifestyle, you can maintain optimal fluid levels. 

Not only can this product reduce fluid retention, it can also decrease PMS symptoms by improving cramping, bloating, fatigue and irregular cycles. It also can help to lower blood sugar and is good for hormonal stress. When hormonal stress is managed well, you may notice that you will have an easier time managing your weight. 

Shop for the Diuretic Balance Supplement Near Covington, LA

The Diuretic Balance supplement allows you to live a healthier lifestyle, and relieves your body from being weighed down by excess fluid. Would you like to explore the benefits of this product for yourself? We can help. Contact us to learn more and to order this product today! 

Shop for the Diuretic Balance Supplement

The Science of Nighttime Snacking: Effective Weight Loss Strategies

person holding two charcuterie fruit boards

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After a busy day when you get back home and settle down, the first thing you may want to do is grab a snack right before bed. Although there are some who will say snacking right before bed isn’t a great habit, this isn’t entirely true. There are foods you can eat before bed that are packed with nutrients that won’t have adverse health effects.

Benefits of Healthy Late Night Snacking

Eating a small portion of veggies or fruit before going to bed can have positive benefits for your body. For example, if you eat foods high in magnesium like bananas or avocado, you may find yourself being able to fall asleep quicker and feeling more relaxed in the morning.

If you have diabetes, eating foods that are high in protein and that have balanced carbohydrates can be beneficial. Eating plenty of protein can help balance your blood sugar levels. Fruit such as blackberries, jackfruit and even cherries are a great source. 

There are even studies that have found that eating enough fiber before going to bed can help minimize cravings in the morning and can help increase the calories you burn while resting. It’s always important to note that food can be used to work with you to accomplish your health and fitness goals. 

On top of healthy snacks, taking adrenal supplements can be very useful. These supplements can help keep cortisol levels low. This means less stress and anxiety which can help you function better throughout the day.

Learn More About the Science of Nighttime Snacking in Louisiana

Our weight loss clinic is happy to serve our community by offering expert guidance on how to become a healthier you. If you would like to learn more about healthy foods and adrenal supplements, we can help. Contact us to learn more today! 

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June’s Product of the Month Diuretic Balance: $5 Off

Diuretic Balance

Shop for the Diuretic Balance Supplement

At Aspen Clinic, we are excited to serve the Hammond, LA and surrounding communities by offering great health supplements at an affordable price. This June, we invite you to experience all the great perks of our best selling Diuretic Balance supplement at a discount of $5 off. Whether you’re looking to manage your fluid retention or hormonal balance, or perhaps blood pressure is of concern, this product is designed to support your overall well-being. 

Diuretic Balance

If you’ve started to notice bloating there could be fluid retention at play. However, Diuretic Balance can help eliminate excess water from the body and help provide relief. This is super helpful for those who experience hormonal imbalance that can contribute to fluid retention. By taking this supplement you can feel more balanced and energized.

In today’s world, managing your blood pressure can be tough. Between the stressors of the day along with unhealthy foods you may notice an increase in your blood pressure. However, our Diuretic Balance supplement is made with ingredients that can help manage your blood pressure and keep it at healthier levels.

At the Aspen Clinic, we make it our goal to ensure our community has access to helpful health resources at an affordable price. We make it easy to accomplish your health and fitness goals without breaking the bank.

Explore the Diuretic Balance Supplement Today

Are you ready to explore all that the diuretic balance supplement can do for you? We invite you to contact our team to learn more about this supplement as well as our other resources and how they fit into your personal goals. Try out our diuretic balance supplement today! 

Shop for the Diuretic Balance Supplement

The Benefits of B-12 Shots for Weight Loss & Energy


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Explore B-12 Injections

B-12 is an essential vitamin and it is found in foods such as poultry, dairy, eggs and more. When you don’t get enough of this vitamin in your diet, you may notice a decline in your energy levels. For this reason, our weight loss clinic serving Covington, LA and beyond offers vitamin B-12 injections for healthy weight loss and to boost your energy. 

Vitamin B-12: Weight Loss & Energy 

Studies suggest that vitamin B-12 affects your body’s metabolism. It has been found that a lack of B-12 causes an increase in obesity and cholesterol. B-12 works along with other B vitamins to produce red blood cells and help iron distribute throughout your body. It has been found that B vitamins can reduce weight gain and promote weight loss by boosting your metabolism, so it’s important that these are prioritized. 

Signs of B-12 Deficiency

As you start to get older, there may be a drop in the level of vitamin B-12 in your body. When this happens, symptoms may appear. The main symptoms to note are constantly feeling sluggish, weakness, trouble losing weight, numbness, along with other signs. When these symptoms appear, you may find yourself not being able to function at your best. For this reason, we recommend trying our vitamin B-12 injections. 

B-12 Injections 

B-12 shots can give your body the charge up it needs to function at its best. It’s been shown that B-12 injections can help raise energy and endurance during exercise. This water-soluble vitamin contains the mineral cobalt and is active in human metabolism. When you take B-12 injections, you will experience better fat breakdown and feel more energized. 

Get B-12 Injections Today

If you are ready to take the next step in your health journey, our clinic is ready to help. We offer affordable B-12 injections that are sure to have you feeling rejuvenated. We invite you to contact us to learn more about this resource today! 

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$5 Off May’s Product of the Month: B-Complete


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When you are busy and always on the go, it’s easy to find yourself with low energy, unable to accomplish what needs to get done. No doubt, many people find themselves unable to complete tasks of the day due to not having the energy their body needs to function at its best. However, our weight loss clinic has created a fantastic supplement called B-Complete which was formulated to give you the boost you need so you can put your best foot forward no matter what.

Essential B Vitamins 

It’s vital to consume B vitamins as these are responsible for reducing stress, nerve function, weight loss, having a healthy brain and more. There are eight main components of the B vitamin. These include: 

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): This vitamin aids your heart and muscles as well as ensure your nerves are healthy.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It also helps to prevent excess energy from turning into fat. 
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Is essential for regulating healthy thyroid hormones.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): B3 helps to manage fat metabolism and digestion.
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Needed so proteins and carbohydrates can metabolize and even works as a gentle diuretic.
  • Vitamin B8 (Biotin): Helps to control blood sugar and improves the hair, skin, and nails.
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid): Aids in cell division and works along with B12 and vitamin C to help the body digest and use proteins. Proper levels of folic acid ensure protein is metabolized, helping to sustain a good insulin level. A consistent insulin level ensures your body will burn fat efficiently, promoting weight loss.
  • Vitamin B-12: Helps maintain proper red blood cell function and DNA synthesis. It also helps to convert fat and protein into energy. 

Get $5 off B-Complete Near Harvey, LA

B-Complete is loaded with B vitamins along with zinc, iron and other great nutrients so you can have the boost you need to conquer your day with ease. If you would like to try this supplement at $5 off, contact our weight loss clinic today!

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May’s Product of the Month: B-Complete

B-Complete supplement

Shop for B-Complete

Do you find yourself always battling low energy, struggling to get through the day? If this is the case, your body could potentially be low on B vitamins which are essential for metabolizing energy. However, our weight loss clinic is excited to serve the Harvey, LA community and beyond by offering B-Complete, a supplement created to give you the boost you need to conquer the day. 

What Are B Vitamins Responsible For?

Vitamin B complex is made up of several B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, and B12. Together, these vitamins help keep our nerves healthy, regulate hormones, ensure our brains are functioning properly and more. They even help to synthesize RNA, DNA and red blood cells. When there isn’t enough of these vitamins in the body, you may notice symptoms such as low energy as well as problems regulating your weight. 

When you consume the B vitamins your body needs, food will convert into energy properly and you will have better appetite control along with boosted energy. Processed foods and alcohol consumption can make it hard for your body to process these vitamins. For this reason it’s recommended to eat a healthier diet so your body can have better natural absorption of B vitamins. 

Aspen Clinic’s B-Complete 

Our B-Complete supplement is loaded in selenium, iron, zinc, and yeast glucan, all of which are great for your immune system. This supplement also contains B vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and essential amino acids so you always have access to the vitamins and minerals needed to jumpstart your system even when life gets busy. 

Discover What B-Complete Can Do For You

Have you been searching for a great solution to boost your energy levels that also helps with weight loss? Aspen Clinic can help you get your hands on a bottle of B-Complete, a supplement carefully made to aid your bodily functions. Contact us to learn more about resources we have to offer today! 

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Power Pack: Your Essential Daily Supplements Bundle

Aspen Clinic's Power Pack

Shop for the Power Pack

At the Aspen Clinic, we understand that achieving great health requires a holistic approach. That’s why we’ve curated the Power Pack to address key areas of health and provide comprehensive support to your body. Each supplement in the bundle is carefully selected based on research and formulated with quality ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness. 

Liver Kidney

The Liver Kidney supplement acts as a powerful detox for your body. The liver has over 600 functions, making it a vital component. When there’s a lack of exercise and an increase of unhealthy foods, this can put strain on your liver and kidneys. Our Liver Kidney supplement detox the system, helping to unburden your body. 

Lipo Plus

Lipo Plus helps to reduce food cravings all while reducing the storage of fat in the body. This helps to suppress your appetite and provides the ability to maintain a consistent nutritional intake. The four main ingredients include fucoxanthin, lipase enzymes, caralluma fimbriata, and green coffee bean extract.

Diuretic Balance

Our Diuretic Balance supplement helps to prevent the storage of excess water inside the body. This supplement helps your body to naturally cycle water which helps to increase weight loss and circulatory improvement. Not only does this supplement help with weight loss, it also provides 100% of the daily recommendation of B vitamins in a whole food complex.


Aspen Adrenal is a blend of nutrients and herbs created to support adrenal function, especially when the body is in emotional or physical stress. Your muscle can begin to deteriorate when there’s high levels of cortisol pumped from the adrenal glands. This supplement supports the adrenals gland to take the added stress off and decrease the excretion of cortisol. This way, your body can start building muscle instead of breaking it down.

Explore What the Power Pack Can Do For You

By incorporating the Power Pack into your daily routine you’re investing into your long-term health and a better overall quality of life. Whether you’re striving to lose weight, improve your gut health, or just overall well-being, this comprehensive bundle can help. Contact our weight loss clinic located near Harvey Louisiana to learn more about resources we have available today! 

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Spring Clean Your Body: A Natural Approach to Liver and Kidney Health

Liver kidney supplement

Shop for the Liver Kidney Supplement

As we head into the new season of Spring, you may be on the hunt for ways to improve your overall health in preparation of the new season. Life can get busy making it hard to keep up with your well-being, however our weight loss clinic has developed the Liver Kidney supplement for this reason. 

Your liver and kidneys work hard every single day to ensure your body can eliminate unnecessary toxins along with aiding the metabolism system. However, sometimes these organs need a boost. This is when it’s a great time to take our Liver Kidney supplements. 

Reasons to Use Liver Kidney Supplements 

Our liver and kidneys act as the filtration house of our body. With hundreds of different functions, they play a key role in how we feel. If these systems are compromised, you may notice changes such as being more fatigued, sluggish and overall not feeling well.

The Liver Kidney supplement is made with natural ingredients and will help these systems to cleanse themselves. Not only that, the liver kidney supplement can help to fortify these organs, making them work to the best of their abilities and helping you to feel better. 

Add the Liver Kidney Supplement to Your Health Regimen 

By adapting this natural supplement, you can cleanse your body from the inside out, promoting better liver and kidney health for a more vibrant you. Start Spring off right by contacting our weight loss clinic serving Louisiana and beyond about what this supplement can do for you. 

Shop for the Liver Kidney Supplement