How To Make Any Kind Of Nut Milk
Schedule Appointment Nut milk has become the new normal. It seems that everyone is looking for a healthy milk alternative, and making your own is more than ideal due to the astronomical prices of nut milks in stores! The Aspen Clinic of Louisiana is here to...
How to Stay Motivated During Your Weight Loss Journey
Schedule Appointment By now you have started on your journey and are well on your way to achieving your weight loss goal. Congratulations! Losing weight does not happen overnight, and it can get discouraging at times when you are not seeing results as fast as...
What’s the Average Weight Loss in a Month?
Schedule Appointment It is easy to get discouraged when you are not seeing speedy results when trying to lose weight. Once you know the facts about how much weight is usually lost in a month, it will be easier to figure out if your weight loss plan is working...
How To Get Started Losing Weight
Schedule Appointment It’s the oldest story in the book. You tell yourself it’s time to lose weight. You set yourself a start date, you’re ready to go, and when the time comes, you tell yourself you’ll start next week. It is time to stop that vicious cycle! Here...
Is Medical Weight Loss Covered By Insurance?
Schedule Appointment The Affordable Care Act does not require that health insurance companies pay for weight loss medication, but if you meet certain requirements, you can get your weight loss medication paid for. You will likely need to have a BMI of 30 to get...
Does Medical Weight Loss Really Work?
Schedule Appointment There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to weight loss. The answer is not just black or white. We would all be at our ideal weight if it was that simple! At The Aspen Clinic serving Louisiana, we have many programs to try and fit the...
6 Great Places To Take A Walk In Louisiana
According to Mayo Clinic, Physical activity, such as walking, is important for weight control because it helps you burn calories. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories a day. Of course, the more you walk...
3 Weight Loss Essentials To Get Started
Schedule Appointment Weight loss is no easy task. Even just deciding to get started is a huge step to take, but actually getting up and getting started can be very difficult as well. Here are 3 essential items to your weight loss journey to help you get...
What Weight Loss Pills Actually Work?
It is so difficult to decipher which weight loss pills actually work. The Aspen Clinic has helped many people lose weight by focusing on long-term positive lifestyle changes. Because there are many nutritional and health factors that accompany lifestyle changes and...
How to Stay Healthy While Working From Home
Schedule Appointment Since the Coronavirus Pandemic has forced most of the country to work from home, it seems eating and snacking throughout the day is at an all-time high. Don’t blame yourself, it's an unconscious habit, and most people who are not lucky...