What Burns Belly Fat?

Ask The Aspen Clinic: What Burns Belly Fat? Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, not only affects how we feel about ourselves, it can also indicate various health risks. Understanding why it accumulates and knowing how to combat it can be the key to achieving your...

Product of the Month: B-Complete

Are you looking for the perfect vitamin-B supplement to boost your immunity and metabolism, decrease stress, and manage your weight loss goals? Look no further than The Aspen Clinic’s prized B-Complete formula, composed of essential vitamins that support weight loss,...

How Added Sugar Affects Weight Loss

One of the challenges of losing weight is the dieting aspect because it can be hard to give up things that we normally eat that aren’t healthy. Added sugar is one of these things that can be hard to get away from because it’s in more of the foods we eat than we...

Best Superfoods For Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Schedule Appointment > No single food can offer all of the nutrition and health benefits that we need to nourish our bodies. However, there are a few foods that can be recognized for the important nutrients that they offer. These foods are known as superfoods, and...