As a part of the health world for over 30 years, we’ve discovered one thing about supplements or vitamins and that is this:
When it comes to supplements, natural is always better.
Here is why:
Mystery Ingredients
The problem with many synthetic vitamins is that you don’t truly know what you are putting in your body, do you? Contrary to those artificially created types, natural vitamins have ONLY natural ingredients.
Sometimes it’s not what vitamins you take, or foods you eat – rather, what you ABSORB from those foods or vitamins.
One major point that is a good reason for sticking with all natural vitamins is the absorption factor. Your body absorbs the natural vitamins more readily because it recognizes them as nutrients, whereas unnatural sources cannot be absorbed by the body. The body is hard to trick, sometimes the synthetics that are designed to fool the body are not taken in.
Some people are also adopting the practice of taking a synthetic vitamin during a meal to give better chances for being absorbed correctly. Wouldn’t it be much better if you just got your daily vitamin requirement from natural sources?
100% (not) Natural
There are a lot of products on the market now that say that they are 100% natural. However, its important that you always check out the supplemental facts when buying any type of vitamin or supplement.
Remember, there is no such thing as an “ascorbic acid” plant.
Ascorbic acid is the main source of Vitamin C in vitamins and supplements we find in drug stores these days, but wouldn’t you rather get your Vitamin C sourced from an orange? Ascorbic acid is a combination of corn syrup and hydrochloric acid; therefore, taking a vitamin C supplement composed of ascorbic acid is like dumping sugar into the bloodstream. In a lab study of carotid artery ultrasound before and after intake of Vitamin C based on ascorbic acid revealed that artery walls were 2.5x thicker and 5x thicker in smokers.
So when you look at those supplemental facts, you should only see things you recognize!
Ingredients Matter
You will be able to find some food packages that also act as natural supplements. Any supplements that are as close to nature as possible will be easier to absorb.
Many of these natural foods are very good for you and give you the nutritional requirements that your body needs such as enzymes and anti-oxidants. All of these components work together to give your body the nutrients that it needs. The only way to know for sure exactly what you will need for your body is to consult a nutritionist and have them create a regimen for you.
The best way to get started on a routine to keep your body healthy is a well balanced natural diet that focuses on foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. The natural vitamin supplements can provide your body with all the nutrients your body needs to be healthy and perform optimally. If you have some certain vitamin deficiencies you may have to take even more intense supplements.
The best course of action is to consult a nutritionist who can take a close look at your current nutritional habits and help you to create the right nutritional program just for you. Just remember that natural vitamin supplements will always be better than the synthetic version.
Aspen Clinic supplements all come from natural, whole food sourced ingredients.
When choosing a good quality supplement, some shop for the lowest prices. Others are looking for the key words “Natural” or“Organic” thinking that all vitamins and minerals are equal. Are you truly getting what you want in these synthetic forms of vitamins?
Our products are only made from the true, natural and organic plants and minerals in their purest forms.
Our motto with supplements is this:
” Who knows better than Mother Nature?”
Get started on a natural supplement routine today – check out our online store or come to the Aspen Clinic near you and let us help you find which supplements will benefit you the most!