
FitBook: Why We Love It

We are officially two weeks in to the New Year!

Are you still keeping up with your with your resolutions?  Have you given into any cravings, skipped a work out, or failed to meal plan?

Don’t worry!

We have a solution to solve all of your goal setting, meal planning, and time management issues.  It’s called the Fitbook and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you!

What is a Fitbook?

  • A 12-week fitness and nutrition journal that allows you to set goals, plan meals and workouts, track progress, and even set rewards for reaching your goals each week.
  • The Fitbook also includes a space to record daily workouts, food log, track sleep, and keep track of your supplement intake.
  • Weekly wrap-up pages allow Fitbookers to reflect on the good and bad of each week, record if goals were met, and journal any thoughts and inspiration.

Why the Aspen Clinic LOVES the Fitbook

If you know anything about our program, you know that we are HUGE believers in goal setting!  We have watched our patients set and reach goals for almost 30 years and there’s no denying it; writing down your goals gives you a 60% higher chance of achieving it.

So of course when we came across the Fitbook we knew it was something we had to share with our patients.  What more could we ask for?  Not only does it provide our patients with a food and exercise log (which you all know is a major part of our program) but also, our favorite feature, a space to record goals.  Short term as well as long term!  Our little goal setting hearts are just melting thinking of all of you writing down your goals each week! Not to mention, 76% of Fitbookers lose weight. Image result for fitbook quote

Then of course, not only do WE love it, but our patients do too! Fitbook allows them to tie in several aspects of our program including lifestyle change, goal setting, food journal-ing, and maintaining a positive attitude!

If you want something to keep you driven towards your weight loss goals in 2017, our Fitbook is the first thing you need to get your hands on.

Why YOU Would LOVE the Fitbook

You already know the Aspen Family loves the Fitbook, but here are a few reasons why we think you would love it too:

Write it Down, Make it Happen!

(or at least that’s what we always say) The Fitbook is the ultimate goal setting tool, allowing you to set goals for a 12 week period in terms of nutrition, activity, body weight, body fat percentage, and other goals as well! Also, each week you set goals and make a plan for that week and then recap at the end of the week.

There’s a Place for Everything!

Goal setting, food tracking, sleep logging – oh my! Each day in the Fitbook gives you a place to record all of your meals, how you felt about each meal, snacks, water intake, physical activity, hours slept, and overall nutrients consumed. This amount of detail allows you to truly be in touch with your health and how well (or not so well) you take care of your body each day.

Accountability Factor

Setting goals each week and making a plan gets your mind ready to achieve them! Also, writing down everything you eat and tracking your activity makes you aware of eating patterns that need work and days that you need to move a little more.

A Little Motivation Never Hurt Nobody

Weight loss is a tough journey for most, but the Fitbook helps keep you motivated through little notes, quotes, and “you cans” on each page of the book – keeping you constantly motivated throughout your 12 week journal.

Are you convinced yet?

Hands itching for a Fitbook?

Stop in to one of our nine locations or visit our online store to pick up yours and get started on your 12-week journey today!

“An idea is just a dream until your write it down… Then it’s a goal.”

 – anonymous

** Special thanks to Angela Mader, creator of Fitbook, and her fitlosopshy family for giving us this amazing product. **


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Olympic-Watching Workout

Who says you have to be a world-class athlete to get in a workout during the Olympics? If you tune in to watch contenders from around the globe go for the gold, don’t skip your own workouts. Use our fun Olympics Workout Game to squeeze in some fitness while you watch. We can’t promise you’ll be as fast as Usain Bolt, have shoulders like Michael Phelps, or fly as high as Shaun White, but we do think you’ll enjoy this fun workout.
Try this workout during tonight’s competitions or while you watch any Olympic event in the future.

Every time the call or action on the left happens, perform the exercise listed on the right.

When You See This… Do This

A world record is set: 25 jumping jacks

Any mention of “mom” or “family”: 10 push ups

TV cuts to a sport you don’t know: 30 seconds downward dog stretchComing from a former gymnast, this should have been a 10 (or 16.5)! Whichever scoring you prefer, this was perfect.

Flashbacks to previous Olympics: 30 seconds jogging in place

Shots of disappointed coaches/athletes: 10 single leg hops

Mentions of sponsors: 50 crunches

A crazy, patriotic hairstyle: 10 walking lunges

Famous figure sightings: 10 burpees

Training / life montages of athletes: 10 chair tricep dips

Retired star athlete spotted: 30 seconds high knees

Commentator says “sacrifice” or “hard work”: 30 seconds faux jump ropingOlympic Ice Skating Pairs

Sightings of famous landmarks: 15 back extensions (Superman)

Shots of moms / loved ones crying: 10 bridges

Your country’s national anthem: 45 second wall sit

Your favorite athlete wins bronze: 20 reverse crunches

Your favorite athlete wins silver: 60 second plank

Your favorite athlete wins gold: 20 burpees

You hear a foreign language that you speak: 10 push ups

A perfect score: 20 push ups

False starts or other penalties: 20 bicycle crunches



Mermaid Workout

Get ready to feel like a beautiful, toned mermaid with this incredible TOTAL body workout! We designed your Mermaid Routine to target all the areas you want to tone up for summer, including your abs, obliques, thighs & arms. Oh YES!!

What you need for your Mermaid Routine:

  • Kettlebell (or 10-15 lb. dumbbell)
  • A yoga mat
  • And some water!

This is one body sizzling, heart pumpin’ routine! 

Complete 10-20 repetitions of each move, 1-3 times. Remember to breather during each repetition and rest when needed.


Warms up and tones the waistline

How to: Begin standing with your abs engaged, legs crossed and dumbbell or kettlebell over your shoulder. Keep your elbows soft and shoulder strong. Tip to the side as far as you can and stand back up, squeezing your obliques. Complete set and move to the other side.

Coral Reef Curtsy

Sculpts the inner and out thighs, calves, shoulders, core, and booty.

How to: Standing with a dumbbell or kettlebell over your shoulder, step back into a curtsy lunge. Driving all your weight into your front heel, stand up and abduct your leg out. Continue on one side then change sides.


Cinches the waistline core

How to: Begin standing with your kettlebell over your left shoulder and your feet wider than hip distance apart. Face your right foot outward and roll your right hand down your inner thigh, as far as you can go. Squeezing your side body, come back up to a standing position.

Mermaid Dive

Tones the backs of the thighs, lifts the booty, and sculpts shoulders.

How to: Stand with your fins crossed. Slowly roll your kettlebell down your legs with soft knees and a tight core. Squeezing your mermaid glutes, stand up and upright row your kettlebell (keep wrists neutral). Alternate foot crossed half way through.


Strengthens the core, improves your balance and tones the triceps.

How to: Begin in tree pose, with your abs engaged and your foot on your inner thigh. Be sure not to rest your foot on your knee, but on your inner thigh or calf. Perform tricep extensions, keeping your balance. Switch legs halfway through.

Mermaid on the Rocks

Tones the abs, shoulders, triceps, back, and lower back.

In plank position, cross your feet and row one arm up. Squeeze your shoulder blade back, isolating those postural muscles.

Enchanted Bridge

Tones every muscles in the body and stretches.

How to: Begin in a plank on your forearms. Arching your upper back, roll your body forward into an upward dog position. Move into a downward and repeat.


Shapes waistline and lower abs.

How to: Laying on your side, feet crossed, roll onto your bum a little for cushion. Lift your legs up into the air, squeezing your core.


Shapes waistline and lower abs.

How to: Laying on your side, with your fins crossed, roll onto your bum a little for cushion. Lift your legs up into the air, squeezing your core.

Making Waves

Tones every muscles in the body and stretches.

How to: Begin in a plank on your forearms. Arching your upper back, roll your body forward into an upward dog position. Move into downward and repeat.



Walk This Way

Even though some of you may be tired of people saying this, it needs saying. We say this a lot because it’s important:

you need to walk more.

In fact, if there’s one goal everyone should make, it should be to walk more. Many of you made this the centerpiece for your exercise plans, many did not, figuring you already do enough. Nope. No one really walks as much as they should, though.

Why is this so important?

There are a few main reasons why to be so fond of walking, also known as moving frequently at a slow pace. First, it’s all-inclusive. Absent debilitating injury or infirmity, everyone can walk. No excuses (unless you have one).

Second, the necessary equipment is right down there. See those bizarre appendages underneath you? That’s what you walk with. See that horizontal surface stretching into the horizon? That’s what you walk on.

Third, it’s the foundation for good health and makes life better. It’s this last point that brings me to the meat of today’s post: all the ways in which walking enhances our life.

Let’s go:

It keeps your buttocks engaged with the world.

A wise man once said that excessive sitting causes glute inactivation and atrophy. This is true, but it’s not like simply standing is enough to keep them strong and engaged. You have to walk, and walk often. To make sure the way you walk is actually activating your glutes, place your hands on each glute. You should feel your glute tense up a bit with each footfall as it accepts the load, and that same glute should tense up even more when you push off to take another step so that your hand gets a little “pushback.” Gallivant around like this, making sure each glute is working. Those buttocks! Ne’er-do-wells, the lot of ’em if you give ’em half a chance!

It modestly reduces body fat.

Walking isn’t going to get you shredded, ripped, cut, or yoked. It might not be as brutally and mechanistically effective on a minute for minute basis as other forms of exercise, but frequent walking will help anyone with two functioning legs and hip and knee joints that allow movement who would otherwise meld into the couch lose some body fat. That’s pretty cool, I think.

It improves glycemic control, especially after meals.

Just 15 minutes of walking after eating improved the blood glucose control in older people with poor glucose tolerance. Try to keep the walk as close to the meal as possible to aid in weight loss.

It improves triglyceride levels and lowers blood pressure, especially after meals.

Whether short (ten 3-minute bouts of brisk walking) or longer (one 30-minute bout of brisk walking), briskly walking after a meal lowers postprandial blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

It might help you live longer if you do it briskly (or at least presages a longer life, if not causes it).

A recent study of over 7000 male and 31000 female recreational walkers found that walking intensity predicted mortality risk. Those who walked the fastest tended to die the least. It’s important to note that this wasn’t an interventional study where walkers were coached to walk faster; this was just looking at the relationship between natural walking speed and mortality risk, so naturally slow walkers who resolve to increase their speed may not see the same relationship – but it certainly can’t hurt!

It’s well tolerated by people with arthritis (and could even improve their condition).

Arthritis patients have it tough on the exercise front. They won’t get any better avoiding exercise, but exercise tends to hurt. What to do? Walk. Walking is gentle, particularly if you perform it with proper form. And one study even found that walking (and weight lifting) improves balance in older adults with osteoarthritis.

It’s good for your brain.

Walking does much more than work the area underneath your neck. It also has extensive cognitive benefits, improving memory in seniors, cognitive control and academic performance in preadolescents (especially those who need it most), and (when done outdoors) boosting creativity in the young and healthy. The farther an older person can walk in six minutes, the better he or she performs on memory and logic tests; folks who perform poorly on the walking test tend to have reduced grey matter volume in certain sections of their brains. Aristotle’s famed tendency to walk as he taught students suddenly makes sense.

It reduces stress.

What do I do when I need to get away from a particularly stressful day in “civilization”? Go for a walk, preferably in a natural setting. For me, it’s the beach or the Malibu hills. For others, it might be the woods or even a park. Sure enough, going for a walk in the woods is a surefire way to lower cortisol.

It reduces stress even when it doesn’t.

A recent study examined the effect of forest walking on stress in young adults, finding that although chromogranin A (a biomarker of stress) increased, the subjects reported reductions in subjective perceptions of stress (which, remember, may matter more than “objective” markers). 

It boosts immune function.

Several lines of evidence point to the benefits of walking on the immune system. First, a “mere” 30 minute walk increases killer T-cells and other markers of immune function. Second, among free-living Japanese elderly, higher daily step counts correlate with improved mucosal immunity. Finally, among postmenopausal women involved in a walking training program, the normally deleterious immune effects associated with menopause were ameliorated.

It prevents falls in the elderly.

Walking on uneven, natural ground like hiking trails, improves balance and reduces falls in the elderly. “Walking programs,” which usually have elderly patients walking indoors or on treadmills as briskly as they can handle do not appear to work very well. Slow, unsteady, and meandering walks appear to be better. Don’t wait until you’re already at risk of falling, though. The earlier you start habitually walking, the better your ability to navigate the land without falling will be.

It gives you a chance to think.

When we walk, we think. And because walking is a low-difficulty endeavor, we can direct our executive functioning to more internal matters. We work through problems, come up with ideas, replay conversations, scheme, ruminate, and discover solutions. Or maybe we just think about that funny dog we saw on the way to work the other day. That’s a worthy subject, too.

Walking has too many well proven benefits for you to skip out on. It’s free, and all you need is the time invested and some pretty good shoes to …

It can be a kind of meditation.

Meditation is a foreign concept for many Westerners; we know about it, but we don’t know it. Even when we want to try it, having read about the benefits, we can’t quite muster the will to sit still for twenty, thirty minutes at a time. Enter the walking meditation. Do it formally, or just go for a walk and let your mind tune out from all the chatter. You’ll feel better either way.

It improves meetings.

Regular old seated meetings can be tedious, yawn-inducing beasts, even when the people and subject matter involved are interesting. Walking meetings, which are exactly what it sounds like, are growing more commonplace in the business world, and I couldn’t be happier.

It’s in your blood.

Your distant ancestors didn’t develop horribly calloused knuckles and brave savannah predators just so you could sit at the computer and devolve into an immobile blob. You come from a long and storied line of walkers. Keep the tradition alive!

It’s in your genes.

This one sounds similar to the last one, but it’s different. What I mean by “it’s in your genes” is your genes “expect” you to move around a lot at a slow pace, and walking affects how your genes are expressed. Walking has been shown, for example, to positively affect the genes responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism in skeletal muscle, to reduce inflammatory gene expression in adipose tissue, and to lower oxidative and inflammatory gene expression pathways in older adults.

It enables recognition of the felt presence of immediate experience.

When you drive, you can’t really focus on all the interesting stuff occurring in the world around you. Outside of what’s happening on the road, you shouldn’t focus on what’s occurring around you when you drive. Even riding a bike you tend to get tunnel vision. Walking on the other hand offers infinite chances for engagement with the outside world. See a rose? When you’re walking, you can stop and smell it. See a little path on the side of the trail heading somewhere cool? If you were driving, you’d have whizzed right past it. We all need a little more presence in our lives, and walking enables it.

As you can see from the bulk of the evidence just presented, walking can have a powerful effect on your health – and it doesn’t take very much of it. Most studies showing the benefits have people walk for ten, fifteen, thirty minutes at a time. That’s a lunch break. That’s parking in the last lot. That’s taking a quick jaunt around the block. That’s stealing a few moments away from your desk. It’s doable, people. You just have to do it.

Now it’s your turn.

Do you walk every day? Do you walk “enough”?


How-to Tone Your Arms Without Weights

It is a truth universally acknowledged: we all want toned, beautiful arms. But actually getting them? That’s another story. Sometimes you just don’t want to drag your tired body all the way to gym to stand in front of a weight rack, worrying that you’re going to drop something or pull a crucial muscle. Fortunately, you can totally get a great arm workout (and therefore toned arms) at home without touching a single heavy object!

Here’s how to tone your arms—without weights.

5 Weight-Free Arm Exercises

Exercise #1: Wall Push-Ups

Sure, push-ups aren’t the easiest thing in the world to do. But wall push-ups allow you to adjust your difficulty level, making them easier than “normal” push-ups.

To do them, stand up straight facing a wall, with your face about six inches away from the wall.  Place your hands on the wall shoulder width apart. Step back as far as you can with both feet on the ground. Inhale as you go down into the push-up, keeping your glutes tucked as you descend, and exhale as you push away from the wall.

Tip: If the push-ups are too difficult with a full step back from the wall, walk your feet in a little to where you can comfortably do them. You’ll be able to build up to it.

Exercise #2: Floor Dipsfloor dips

You can do dips in a chair, but  people often lift up too high, turning the workout into more of a pelvic thrust than an arm workout. On the floor, it’s easier to watch your form.

To do them, sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet and fingers facing forward, as if you’re about to do a crab walk.  Then, tighten your abs, tuck your glutes, and lift your pelvis up until your body is in a reverse tabletop position. Lower your body by bending your arms, activating your triceps. As you near the floor, keep your butt off the floor so that your core and arm muscles remain active.  Keep repeating the dips for one minute.

Tip: If you’re a beginner or don’t necessarily have core control yet, it’s okay to touch the ground, but try to touch it just slightly and push back up.

Exercise #3: Half Circle Arm Rotations

Those arm circles you had to do in gym class are surprisingly good at building upper body strength, but the repetitive motion makes it easy to zone out and abandon quality circles. Half-circle rotations are a more active move that works deep into your arm muscles.

To do them, stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold your arms out parallel to the floor. With your palms facing forward, cup both hands as if you’re holding a tennis ball in each hand. Rotate your whole arm forward in a half circle so that the cupped hand goes from facing forward to facing behind you. Keep your elbows locked to maximize muscle engagement. Then, rotate back into your original position. Rotate back and forth as fast as you can.

Tip: Think of the motion as a slap forward and a slap back

Exercise #4: Weight-Free Rows

To create resistance with a weight-free row, all you need is your own fist. Though typically done with a dumbbell, making a tight fist activates the muscles of your arm enough to make for a substantial workout.

To do it, bend slightly forward by hinging at the hip. Bend your elbows at your sides, and pull your arms back without unbending at the elbow, creating a rowing motion.  This works biceps and triceps in addition to activating the muscles of your upper back. Repeat for a full minute.

Tip: Make sure to keep your arms close to your sides to maximize the effectiveness of this workout.

Exercise #5: X Jumps

Your inner cheerleader finally has an outlet with X jumps, a cardio move that engages your whole arm and simultaneously strengthens your abs and legs.

Stand with your feet spread out shoulder width apart and your arms by your sides.  Jump up and spread your arms out over your head so that you form an “X” shape at the top of your jump.  As you land, bend your knees slightly to soften your landing.

Tip: This can be tough to do for a full minute when you’re just starting out, but do as many as you can.

Each move should be done for one full minute—you can start with one run-through (so five minutes and you’re done!), and then repeat them as you gain strength.


10 Minute Abs Workout

By now the majority of us know that a lean, toned stomach or six pack abs takes a lot more than just a bunch of abdominal workouts.

The consistent combination of varying intensities of cardio, total body strength training, and a clean and healthy diet, is key to losing the fat that resides over the ab muscles.

With that said, abs workouts – especially fast, focused and to the point ones like this one – are important for strengthening the core so that you have the strength and body integrity to do those super-effective HIIT cardio and strength training workouts (not to mention simple daily living activities), without injury. Adding this abs and obliques workout will help you further tone your stomach, as well as burn off a few extra calories.

This quick work out is less about demanding, super challenging moves, and more about building endurance throughout your core – another very important aspect in avoiding injuries and strains that might otherwise sideline your exercise plans.

One last note, a lot of the exercises in this routine engage far more than just your core, which is a great thing! For many of these exercises, you will also feel your glutes, thighs, arms, chest, and shoulders – just to name a few of the secondary muscle groups involved – working.

Ready to workout?

Standard crunches – 30 seconds

Oblique crunches – 30 seconds

V-Ups – 30 seconds

Pulse Ups – 30 seconds

Bicycles – 30 seconds

Vertical Toe Ups – 30 seconds

Russian Twists – 30 seconds

Cross Body Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds

— 30 second rest —

Repeat from beginning!

Complete exercise for 10 minute period!

45 inute Killer Cardio Workout

Generally speaking, our bodies need to burn more calories (energy output) than we eat (energy input) in order to lose weight. Cardio is just one form of exercise that can help contribute to this “energy output”.

There are many different types of cardio – the most popular being walking, jogging, and sprinting. Depending on what your fitness goals are, there are certain types of cardio that are better suited than others. Regardless of the intensity, cardio is great for increasing fitness levels and building stamina.

This “Killer Kardio” work out is good for both of those things!

Time: 45 minutes + 5 minute cool down

Muscles Trained: Full Body

Set 1

Jump Rope (1 minute)

High Knees (1 minute)

Butt Kicks (1 minute)

Jumping Jacks (1 minute)

20 Burpees

– 10 minutes Running or Walking –

Set 2

Jump Rope (1 minute)

High Knees (1 minute)

Butt Kicks (1 minute)

Jumping Jacks (1 minute)

10 Push Ups

10 Tricep Dips

– 10 minutes Running or Walking –

Set 3

Jump Rope (1 minute)

High Knees (1 minute)

Butt Kicks (1 minute)

Jumping Jacks (1 minute)

Mountain Climbers (1 minute)

20 Burpees

– 10 minutes Running or Walking –

Cool Down

5 Minutes Walking

Congrats! YOU DID IT!