Can A Quick Walk Help with Digestion?

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If you can find a little bit of time in your day, even just 10 minutes, to take a quick walk, your body will thank you for it! Walking helps speed up digestion, along with a ton of other health benefits. Keep reading to learn more about all of the ways a quick walk can benefit your health and help out along your weight loss journey. 

Health Benefits of a Quick Walk

The main benefits of a quick walk include improved digestion, heart health, blood sugar management, regulated blood pressure, and weight loss. Starting with low to moderate intensity 10-minute walks following your main meals allows you to yield these benefits with a low risk of negative side effects.

Other benefits of a quick, 10-minute walk include:

  • Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat
  • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Strengthen your bones and muscles
  • Improve muscle endurance
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve your mood, cognition, memory and sleep
  • Improve your balance and coordination
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Reduce stress and tension

According to Mayo Clinic, the faster, farther and more frequently you walk, the greater the benefits. For example, you may start out as an average walker, and then work your way up to walking faster and walking a mile in a shorter amount of time than an average walker, similar to power walkers. This can be a great way to get aerobic activity, improve your heart health and increase your endurance while burning calories.

You can also alternate periods of brisk walking with leisurely walking. This type of interval training has many benefits, such as improving cardiovascular fitness and burning more calories than regular walking. And interval training can be done in less time than regular walking.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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If you are looking for some support along your weight loss and wellness journey, join us! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

How To Limit Liquid Calories

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There is no easier way to lessen your calorie intake than by limiting your liquid calories! A calorie is defined as a measure of the energy value of a food or drink. Liquid calories are often easier and quicker to consume and will satisfy thirst, but not hunger. Liquid calories are considered “hidden” calories because the body does not feel the same fullness from a drink as it does from solid foods. Don’t forget that liquid calories count! Here are some tips from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana to help limit your liquid calorie intake. 

Tips To Limit Liquid Calories

Liquid calories in alcohol, juices, soda, sports drinks or specialty coffees can have a huge impact on our calorie intake. Soda and juices are the primary sources of extra calories and specialty coffee drinks are close behind. Try to change your drinking habits by incorporating tea, black coffee, or sugarless drinks! 

If you are going to enjoy a cocktail, try replacing mixers with water or carbonated water and flavor with lemon, lime, or other fruits! 

Drink more water. In addition to lack of energy and brain fog, mild dehydration can cause a sensation that may be mistaken for hunger. According to Healthline, drinking water increases the number of calories you burn, which is known as resting energy expenditure. Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients. 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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If you need some assistance limiting your liquid calories, join the Aspen Clinic! Our program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. The Aspen Clinic is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Holiday Weight Loss Challenge

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It’s that time of year again! Halloween marks just the start of several holidays over the next three months that all place a heavy focus on food.

Late October through New Year’s Day is a time of fun celebrations, family get-togethers, gift-giving, and a three-month food fest—one that you shouldn’t let end in weight gain. 

The problem is that weight gained during the holiday season can take months to lose, according to a new study. In many cases, individuals never lose the weight, packing on extra pounds that stay on and accumulate year after year.

Take control of the holiday season now – get on a plan, stick to it, and let the Aspen Clinic help you stay on track throughout the next three months! Because before you know it, it’ll be Mardi Gras! 

How The Holiday Weight Loss Challenge Works

Let us offer you an incentive to stay on track during the holidays.  Get $1 off for every pound lost from the end of October through New Years Day. If you lose 5 pounds, $5 will be taken off of your bill for your visit in 2023! 

Challenge yourself this holiday season. Stick to your plan and save some money during the time you need it most! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

Tips For Maintaining Weight Loss

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Congratulations! With the help of the Aspen Clinic, you have finally reached your weight loss goal and are feeling great in your body. The journey doesn’t end here- it is now time to maintain all of the progress you’ve made, and we are here to help! Here are a few tips to maintain your weight loss from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana. 

Stay Active

Don’t hang up your sneakers just yet! While it is great that you have made progress toward your goal weight, turning the tactics you implemented during your weight loss journey into habits is what is going to help you keep the weight off. If you enjoyed going for walks or runs, keep it up! Keep moving your body and you will have a much easier time maintaining your weight loss. 

Eat Breakfast Every Day

According to Healthline, breakfast eaters tend to have healthier habits overall, such as exercising more and consuming more fiber and micronutrients. Furthermore, eating breakfast is one of the most common behaviors reported by individuals who are successful at maintaining weight loss. One study found that 78% of 2,959 people who maintained a 30-pound (14 kg) weight loss for at least one year reported eating breakfast every day. Science is on your side. Eat a well-balanced breakfast! 

Prepare for Setbacks

The most important part of maintaining your weight loss is not throwing in the towel when things get tough. Setbacks are inevitable on your weight maintenance journey. There may be times when you give in to an unhealthy craving or skip a workout. However, the occasional slip-up doesn’t mean you should throw your goals out the window. Simply move on and follow through with better choices. This will all lend itself to creating your permanent lifestyle change! 

A lifestyle change consists of adapting healthy habits that promote long-term weight loss and control. This means making small changes in your everyday life, rather than making drastic changes all at once. Some examples of ways to kickstart your lifestyle change could be:

  • Gradually cutting back on junk food
  • Organize / plan workouts as a part of your everyday routine
  • Meal prepping
  • Drinking more water
  • Trying to incorporate more nutrient dense foods and cutting back on junk food
  • Organize / plan physical activity as a part of your day
  • Meal prepping
  • Drinking more water
  • Meditate or find ways to manage stress
  • Reduce TV or screen time to prioritize sleep

Eventually, if you stick to it, it will become a routine, and each step you take toward bettering your health will become a permanent change.

The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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Don’t ditch us after you’ve lost the weight! We can still help you along the way. The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass.

Off the Scale Ways to Measure Success

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Are you doing everything you can to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle, but you still aren’t seeing results on the scale? Let’s ignore the numbers for now, and explore some other ways to track your progress! Here are a few ways to ditch the scale and measure your progress in other ways from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana. 

Try On Old Clothes

Do you remember those old jeans you left in the back of your closet because you grew out of them? Take them out and try them on! Even if they still aren’t fitting as you would like them to, you are sure to have made some progress if you have stayed on track. Try on some old clothes. Maybe some fit perfectly now, or maybe some are too big all of a sudden! 

Write Down Measurements

Yes, measurements are still numbers, but sometimes it is easier to see progress through loss of inches around your body than it is with numbers on a scale! Take down your measurements one every week, or even every two weeks if you want to see bigger gaps in your measurements! 

Analyze Endurance

Another great way to keep track of your progress is to take note of your endurance! Were you able to walk an extra mile that you couldn’t before? That is major progress, and something you should be proud of!

Mindset Matters More

At the end of the day, if you feel good about your progress it doesn’t matter what the number on the scale says. If you are living a healthy lifestyle but the scale isn’t reflecting that in the way that you would like it to, that is no reason to give up. As long as you stick to it, results will come! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

How Does Stress Affect Weight Loss?

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Stress has woven itself into almost every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s about money, relationships, work, etc., stress is always hanging over our heads like a dark cloud. While on your weight loss journey, there could be nothing worse than adding stress into the mix. Stress is not a friend to weight loss, and here is how stress will only make your journey harder to finish. 

Stress vs Weight Loss

While it is almost impossible to completely remove stress from your life, it is important to try, especially when trying to lose weight. According to Healthline, for many people, stress can have a direct impact on their weight. Whether it causes weight loss or weight gain can vary from person to person — and even from situation to situation.

In some cases, stress may lead to missed meals and poor food choices. For others, stress may cause them to completely lose the desire to eat. Oftentimes, this change is only temporary. Your weight may return to normal once the stressor has passed.

One of the main problems with high-stress levels in the body is the production of the hormone cortisol. Your body identifies stress and the adrenal glands will begin to produce cortisol, which puts the body into a catabolic state – meaning it will begin to eat or break down muscle. Muscle is key during weight loss because it helps to increase our body’s basal metabolic rate to burn fats. Therefore, if you are losing muscle mass, you are losing the ability to burn fat which is very counterproductive when trying to lose weight. We must keep our stress levels down in order to prevent excess cortisol in the body and maintain our muscle mass! This is why we like to say your adrenal glands are your “key to weight loss”.

Whichever way stress affects your weight loss, neither option is healthy for your body. Whether you put weight on, or weight falls off, both fluctuations are temporary because stress is temporary! 

Signs Your Weight Loss Is Connected To Stress

A change in your weight can be linked to stress if you are also experiencing:

  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Aches and pains
  • Tense muscles
  • Mood changes
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Difficulty with short-term memory
  • Increased heart rate

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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If you need help working through your stress or help along our weightloss journey, join us! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

The Aspen Clinic vs Noom

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Wondering if the Aspen Clinic’s weight loss program is what will work for you, or if Noom will be more efficient? The Aspen Clinic is here to inform you on how Noom works, and how you can work Noom and The Aspen Clinic program together to change your life completely. 

What is Noom?

Noom is a fitness and weight-loss program. Noom claims to be “the last weightloss program you will ever need.” The Noom app focuses on making changes surrounding dieting. As we have mentioned in a previous post, dieting is never the way to approach weight loss, so it is best to steer clear of that practice and focus on our program at the Aspen Clinic if you are looking for longevity and a true lifestyle change. 

What is the Aspen Clinic?

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. We also provide in-person support, something an app like Noom cannot provide. 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Don’t Diet, Do Make a Lifestyle Change

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Dieting has been proven to be the worst thing for your health. While taking control of your eating is vital to your weight loss journey, there is a better way than choosing a fad diet. A complete lifestyle change is what will be most beneficial to the lasting success of your journey. Allow the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana to give you some tips on how to make a lifestyle change, and ditch the diet. 

Diet vs Lifestyle Change 

A diet is a temporary change. You change your eating habits temporarily until you meet your weight loss goal, and then you return to your old ways. This takes quite the toll on the body and will have you right back where you started in no time. 

A lifestyle change consists of adopting healthy habits that promote long-term weight loss and control. This means making small changes in your everyday life, rather than making drastic changes all at once. Some examples of ways to kickstart your lifestyle change could be:

  • Gradually cutting back on junk food
  • Organize / plan workouts as a part of your everyday routine
  • Meal prepping
  • Drinking more water
  • Trying to incorporate more nutrient dense foods and cutting back on junk food
  • Organize / plan physical activity as a part of your day
  • Meal prepping
  • Drinking more water
  • Meditate or find ways to manage stress
  • Reduce TV or screen time to prioritize sleep

Eventually, if you stick to it, it will become a routine, and each step you take toward bettering your health will become a permanent change. 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Weight Loss Tips: Get More Sleep

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Sleeping is more important to your weight loss journey than you may even realize, in fact, it’s just as important as exercise and eating right! The Aspen Clinic of Louisiana is here to explain all of the amazing benefits that come with getting a good night’s sleep! 

How Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

Sleep is like nutrition for the brain. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours each night, and according to WebMD, too little sleep triggers a cortisol spike. This stress hormone signals your body to conserve energy to fuel your waking hours. Translation: You’re more apt to hang on to fat. 

Research tells the story. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Found that when people were starved of sleep, late-night snacking increased, and they were more likely to choose high-carb snacks. In another study done at the University of Chicago, sleep-deprived participants chose snacks with twice as much fat as those who slept at least 8 hours. 

When you stick to a consistent, quality sleep schedule, not only will your body perform better, but so will your mind! Your mind and your body will thank you for fueling them both with a good night of sleep, and will even reward you with some weight loss! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

7 Healthy Habits for Weight Loss

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Losing weight is no easy task. It can take a toll on both your mind and body. It is important to adopt as many healthy habits as you can while on your weight loss journey. Here are 7 healthy habits for weight loss from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana to help keep your mind and body happy and healthy! 

Positive Attitude

Positive thoughts are vital when it comes to losing weight, as they increase our motivation and energy levels, which will ultimately act as a catalyst for achieving our weight loss goals! 

Don’t Skip Breakfast

It’s a tale as old as time- breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Starting the day off with a nutritious breakfast will help keep you on track to make healthy choices for the rest of the day. People who eat breakfast tend to be more mindful of their diets, and have more energy! 

Drink Water When You Wake Up

Water fires up your metabolism, keeps you hydrated, helps your body flush out toxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even help curb some hunger cravings! 

Make Lunch Your Biggest Meal

Not only will a big lunch suppress some hunger, but it can also help decrease an afternoon slump! Don’t break your healthy stride just because you get a couple of cravings before dinner. Keep yourself on track with a substantial lunch. 

Don’t Eat Too Close To Bedtime

Eating before bed can cause the body’s metabolism to slow. The body slows down its functions at night to prepare for sleep, but consuming foods, especially those high in carbs, can make it harder to digest and result in weight gain.

Move Everyday

It is no secret that exercise and weight loss go hand-in-hand. Moving around every day, even if only for 15 minutes, will be incredibly beneficial to your weight loss journey!

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is like nutrition for the brain. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours each night, and according to WebMD, too little sleep triggers a cortisol spike. This stress hormone signals your body to conserve energy to fuel your waking hours. Translation: You’re more apt to hang on to fat. Your mind and your body will thank you for fueling them both with a good night of sleep, and will even reward you with some weight loss! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!