7 Healthy Habits for Weight Loss

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Losing weight is no easy task. It can take a toll on both your mind and body. It is important to adopt as many healthy habits as you can while on your weight loss journey. Here are 7 healthy habits for weight loss from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana to help keep your mind and body happy and healthy! 

Positive Attitude

Positive thoughts are vital when it comes to losing weight, as they increase our motivation and energy levels, which will ultimately act as a catalyst for achieving our weight loss goals! 

Don’t Skip Breakfast

It’s a tale as old as time- breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Starting the day off with a nutritious breakfast will help keep you on track to make healthy choices for the rest of the day. People who eat breakfast tend to be more mindful of their diets, and have more energy! 

Drink Water When You Wake Up

Water fires up your metabolism, keeps you hydrated, helps your body flush out toxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even help curb some hunger cravings! 

Make Lunch Your Biggest Meal

Not only will a big lunch suppress some hunger, but it can also help decrease an afternoon slump! Don’t break your healthy stride just because you get a couple of cravings before dinner. Keep yourself on track with a substantial lunch. 

Don’t Eat Too Close To Bedtime

Eating before bed can cause the body’s metabolism to slow. The body slows down its functions at night to prepare for sleep, but consuming foods, especially those high in carbs, can make it harder to digest and result in weight gain.

Move Everyday

It is no secret that exercise and weight loss go hand-in-hand. Moving around every day, even if only for 15 minutes, will be incredibly beneficial to your weight loss journey!

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is like nutrition for the brain. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours each night, and according to WebMD, too little sleep triggers a cortisol spike. This stress hormone signals your body to conserve energy to fuel your waking hours. Translation: You’re more apt to hang on to fat. Your mind and your body will thank you for fueling them both with a good night of sleep, and will even reward you with some weight loss! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Weight Loss Injections Reviews

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Lipotropic injections speed up the removal of fat within the liver, decongests liver of fat and bile, reduces LDL and increases HDL cholesterol, breaks down fats and carbohydrates & a diuretic, promotes relaxation and decreases anxiety, promote regular insulin function, muscle building, training, and endurance.

Patient Testimonials: Injections

Don’t just take our word for it, here are some reviews of out weight loss injections from our patients: 

Charlotte, Aspen Clinic Harvey: “When I started, I was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I truly believe the injections were the key to my weight loss. I have lost 24 lbs and went down 3 sizes.”

Sheryl, Aspen Clinic Metairie: ” I’ve been very pleased with the products and support I’ve received from the Aspen Clinic in Metairie. I was halfway through my weight loss journey in January of 2019 when I reached a plateau. There is no doubt that the weekly injections I continue to receive not only got me over the hump, but helped me reach my goal. I’ve lost a total of 64 lbs, 34 during the period of January-August 2019, and I’ve gone from a size 16 to a size 4.”

Female Patient, Aspen Clinic Covington: “I decided to try the Aspen Clinic when traditional approaches to losing weight weren’t giving me the results I had hoped for. The injections and supplements gave me fast results, which helped “jumpstart” my motivation for lifestyle changes. To better my progress, I started attending the gym more regularly, which only improved my results. Overall, I would recommend the clinic to anyone looking for a great start to reaching their weight loss goals.”

Remember, there is no magic cure for weight loss. Injections help jumpstart and aid in weight loss, they do not do all the work for you! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

When it comes to weight loss injections, proponents of vitamin based injections are known to give you more energy and boost your metabolism by replenishing vitamins your body may have been deficient in, helping you shed unwanted pounds. B-12 can also improve energy levels, better mood, deeper sleep, boost metabolism. 

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits, with the aid of weight loss supplements and injections. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

How Supplements & Injections Aid in Weight Loss

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The Aspen Clinic has helped many people lose weight by focusing on long-term positive lifestyle changes. Because there are many nutritional and health factors that accompany lifestyle changes and healthy weight loss for women and men, we find it best to have a qualified physician review our client’s personal information and analyze their nutritional needs. But how exactly do supplements and injections  work?

Benefits of Weight Loss Supplements & Injections 

According to Mayo Clinic, Most prescription weight-loss drugs work by decreasing appetite or increasing feelings of fullness which helps when adjusting to a new eating routine. 

When it comes to injections, proponents of vitamin based injections are known to give you more energy and boost your metabolism by replenishing vitamins your body may have been deficient in, helping you shed unwanted pounds. B-12 can also improve energy levels, better mood, deeper sleep, boost metabolism. 

Lipotropic injections speed up the removal of fat within the liver, decongests liver of fat and bile, reduces LDL and increases HDL cholesterol, breaks down fats and carbohydrates & a diuretic, promotes relaxation and decreases anxiety, promote regular insulin function, muscle building, training, and endurance.

Like vitamin injections, supplements can aid in weight loss by providing the body with nutrients it may be missing.  The different herbs and plants in the all natural Aspen Clinic supplement line have a multitude of functions including accelerating fat loss, boosting energy, mood, and metabolism, improving digestion and overall vitality. It is very important to choose all natural supplements, with ingredients the body can recognize, instead of the common ones at drug stores composed of synthetic chemicals.  

An important thing to remember is that there is no magic cure for weight loss. The medication and injections are to aid in the weight loss process, NOT to do all the work for you. The purpose of the medication is to suppress appetite, which aids in weight loss while you adjust to a new lifestyle of eating. If you take the medication and don’t adjust your lifestyle and eating habits, then you will not see the results on the scale. The most important thing for weight loss will always be to focus on cleaning up your unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits, with the aid of weight loss supplements and injections. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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How to Stay Motivated During Your Weight Loss Journey

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By now you have started on your journey and are well on your way to achieving your weight loss goal. Congratulations! Losing weight does not happen overnight, and it can get discouraging at times when you are not seeing results as fast as you’d like. This can cause you to lose the motivation you started out with. Don’t lose that momentum! Here are 4 tips to keep yourself motivated while losing weight from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana. 

4 Tips To Stay Motivated

  1. Remind Yourself Why You Started: Make a list of all the reasons why you started out on this journey in the first place. You are doing this for a reason, and that reason has not gone away! Constantly remind yourself that there is a purpose for this journey you are on and stick to it. 
  2. Set Realistic Expectations: Setting unattainable goals can lead to feelings of frustration and cause you to give up. On the contrary, setting and accomplishing achievable goals leads to feelings of accomplishment. The average weight loss we see is 2-3lbs a week, 10-12 lbs per month, 30-36 lbs in 3 months. Remind yourself that nothing happens overnight, and don’t let your motivation get crushed by unrealistic expectations. 
  3. Keep A Weight Loss Journal: Documenting your progress and self-monitoring is very beneficial to weight loss. If you document your progress, you can look back and see how far you have come! Celebrate the small victories you have jotted down in your journal, and hold yourself accountable for the slip ups. 
  4. Reflect on Your Progress: Even if you have only lost one pound, that is something to celebrate! You have taken the biggest step in a weight loss journey- deciding to start. Reflect on what a wonderful choice you have made, and all of the progress you have seen in your mind and body since then!

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Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass.

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

What’s the Average Weight Loss in a Month?

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It is easy to get discouraged when you are not seeing speedy results when trying to lose weight. Once you know the facts about how much weight is usually lost in a month, it will be easier to figure out if your weight loss plan is working for you! The Aspen Clinic is here to help you figure that out! 

Average Weight Loss Facts

The average weight loss we see is 2-3lbs a week, 10-12 lbs per month, 30-36 lbs in 3 months. We use a Tanita body composition analysis scale that measures not only weight, but important numbers like BMI, BMR, fat mass, muscle mass, and water weight. By monitoring these numbers, we can ensure that patients are losing weight in a healthy way – losing fat mass, building muscle, and maintaining hydration. Our scale will also give an ideal range of fat mass and body fat percentage based on their individual height and weight. 

It is important to remember that even a modest weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars.

For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, a 5 percent weight loss equals 10 pounds, bringing your weight down to 190 pounds. While this weight may still be in the “overweight” or “obese” range, this modest weight loss can decrease your risk factors for chronic diseases related to obesity.

So even if the overall goal seems large, see it as a journey rather than just a final destination. You’ll learn new eating and physical activity habits that will help you live a healthier lifestyle. These habits may help you maintain your weight loss over time.

As you can see, slow and steady really does win the race when it comes to weight loss. Join the Aspen Clinic and kick start your weight loss journey with the help of our experts! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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How To Get Started Losing Weight

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It’s the oldest story in the book. You tell yourself it’s time to lose weight. You set yourself a start date, you’re ready to go, and when the time comes, you tell yourself you’ll start next week. It is time to stop that vicious cycle! Here are some tips to follow if you are looking to start losing weight! 

5 Tips To Start Losing Weight 

  1. Make the Commitment: Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is the biggest step to take when getting started! Start simply by making a commitment to yourself and your body. According to the CDC, many people find it helpful to sign a written contract committing to the process. This contract may include things like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you’d like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you’ll make to establish healthy eating habits, and a plan for getting regular physical activity.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your long-term goal is to lose 40 pounds and to control your high blood pressure, some short-term eating and physical activity goals might be to start eating breakfast, taking a 15 minute walk in the evenings, or having a salad or vegetable with dinner.
  3. Check In With Yourself: Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. If you set a goal to walk each morning but are having trouble fitting it in before work, see if you can shift your work hours or if you can get your walk in at lunchtime or after work. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
  4. Identify resources for information and support: The Aspen Clinic is here to help you on this journey! You don’t have to do this alone, and shouldn’t! Our nutritional program director and owner, M.Barbie Dupuis, is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and truly believes that health conditions are reflective of poor lifestyle and food choices, and these health problems can be healed with proper nutrition, and is happy to help!
  5. Shop Our Weight Loss Essentials: Our Calorie, Fat, & Carbohydrate Counter, Food Diary, and Water Bottle are the Aspen Clinics 3 Weight Loss Essentials to get started! Show these in our store! Our “Patient Essentials” come included in our Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze packages to provide everything you need to get started! You can also find each item in our online store.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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Is Medical Weight Loss Covered By Insurance?

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The Affordable Care Act does not require that health insurance companies pay for weight loss medication, but if you meet certain requirements, you can get your weight loss medication paid for. You will likely need to have a BMI of 30 to get your medication covered. However, if you have health problems due to your weight, then a BMI or at least 27 may qualify.

Is Medical Weight Loss Covered?

The Aspen Clinic does not accept or process insurance within the clinic, however patients can take their medical receipts from us and file a claim for reimbursement with their insurance company. The medical receipt will have the ICD code and provider information on it. Whether or not the insurance company reimburses our patients is dependent on what is included in their coverage -typically, if patients have some type of miscellaneous health or obesity coverage it will. 

The Aspen Clinic’s most common coverage when it comes to medical weight loss is patients using Health Savings Account (HSA) cards to pay for treatment. As long as this runs as a normal credit/debit card, we can accept it!

An important thing to remember when considering medical weight loss is that there is no magic pill. The medication is to aid in the weight loss process, NOT to do all the work for you. The purpose of the medication is to suppress appetite, which aids in weight loss while you adjust to a new lifestyle of eating. If you take the medication and don’t adjust your lifestyle and eating habits, then you will not see the results on the scale. The most important thing for weight loss will always be to focus on cleaning up your unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 

The Aspen Clinic has helped many people lose weight by focusing on long-term positive lifestyle changes. Because there are many nutritional and health factors that accompany lifestyle changes and healthy weight loss for women and men, we find it best to have a qualified physician review our client’s personal information and analyze their nutritional needs.

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Does Medical Weight Loss Really Work?

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There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to weight loss. The answer is not just black or white. We would all be at our ideal weight if it was that simple! At The Aspen Clinic serving Louisiana, we have many programs to try and fit the mold that will be right for you, and that mold just might be medical weight loss. But, how do we know that medical weight loss actually works? 

Medical Weight Loss At The Aspen Clinic

The Aspen Clinic has helped many people lose weight by focusing on long-term positive lifestyle changes. Because there are many nutritional and health factors that accompany lifestyle changes and healthy weight loss for women and men, we find it best to have a qualified physician review our client’s personal information and analyze their nutritional needs.

Oftentimes, medication is used to help assist the lifestyle changes to aid in weight loss. Of course, this medication needs to be monitored closely.

This medication, like all medicine, is tightly controlled. We strongly recommend that you consult with your primary care physician regarding our weight loss clinic program and any health conditions and/or medications that you may be currently taking.

If taking other medications that contradict appetite suppressants, or you simply do not want to take medication to assist with weight loss, we do offer an all natural program that is just as effective!

Here is a list of the most common and effective weight loss medications: 

  • Adipex – P 37.5mg
  • Phentermine 30mg
  • Didrex 50mg
  • Generic Didrex 50mg
  • Tenuate 75mg
  • Tenuate 25mg
  • Bontril 105mg
  • Generic Bontril 105mg
  • Phendimetrazine 35mg
  • Lomaira 8 mg
  • Contrave
  • Belviq
  • Qysmia

An important thing to remember is that there is no magic pill for weight loss. The medication is to aid in the weight loss process, NOT to do all the work for you. The purpose of the medication is to suppress appetite, which aids in weight loss while you adjust to a new lifestyle of eating. If you take the medication and don’t adjust your lifestyle and eating habits, then you will not see the results on the scale. The most important thing for weight loss will always be to focus on cleaning up your unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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3 Weight Loss Essentials To Get Started

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Weight loss is no easy task. Even just deciding to get started is a huge step to take, but actually getting up and getting started can be very difficult as well. Here are 3 essential items to your weight loss journey to help you get started! 

Calorie, Fat, & Carbohydrate Counter

Whether you are watching your weight or just want to eat healthier, “The CalorieKing Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter” is a must-have! Learn how to make better food with this invaluable resource. “This book contains foods from every food group, over 200 restaurants, and helpful guides for diabetes, hypertension, sodium, protein, fiber, and so much more! The book is updated every year with new items and it is an Aspen Clinic patient favorite! 

The CalorieKing Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter” is a National Top 100 Best Seller and the most recommended book of its type by health professionals. It’s easy to see why! The book is compiled by Allan Borushek, dietitian and health educator with over 30 years of clinical experience. With his vast knowledge and experience, he’s the Calorie King! His motto is: “Fat Matters, Carbs Count, but Calories Are King! Take control of your eating habits today and order one from our store

Food Diary

Science has proven that those who use a food diary when trying to lose weight see better results than those who do not. Our food diaries are only $1 – and are exactly what you need to help monitor your daily intake! Inside you will find:

  • Personal Weight Chart
  • Daily logs for:
    • Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner
    • Calories, Fat Grams, Carbohydrates
    • Water Intake
    • Exercise Activity
    • Measurements 

Water Bottle

The more water you drink, the more weight you will lose! Keeping a water bottle with you at all times makes you a lot more likely to reach your daily water requirement! According to Everyday Health, Drinking water is important during weight loss because it provides hydration without unwanted calories. Drinking non-caloric fluids like water before or with a meal can help a dieter feel full sooner. Keep a water bottle on you at all times! 

Our “Patient Essentials” come included in our Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze packages to provide everything you need to get started! You can also find each item in our online store.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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What Weight Loss Pills Actually Work?

It is so difficult to decipher which weight loss pills actually work. The Aspen Clinic has helped many people lose weight by focusing on long-term positive lifestyle changes. Because there are many nutritional and health factors that accompany lifestyle changes and healthy weight loss for women and men, we find it best to have a qualified physician review our client’s personal information and analyze their nutritional needs.

Oftentimes, medication is used to help assist lifestyle changes to aid in weight loss. Of course, this medication needs to be monitored closely.

An important thing to remember is that there is no magic pill for weight loss. The medication is to aid in the weight loss process, NOT to do all the work for you. The purpose of the medication is to suppress appetite, which aids in weight loss while you adjust to a new lifestyle of eating. If you take the medication and don’t adjust your lifestyle and eating habits, then you will not see the results on the scale. The most important thing for weight loss will always be to focus on cleaning up your unhealthy lifestyle habits. 

This medication, like all medicine, is tightly controlled. We strongly recommend that you consult with your primary care physician regarding our weight loss clinic program and any health conditions and/or medications that you may be currently taking.

Here is a list of the most common and effective weight loss medications: 

  • Adipex – P 37.5mg
  • Phentermine 30mg
  • Didrex 50mg
  • Generic Didrex 50mg
  • Tenuate 75mg
  • Tenuate 25mg
  • Bontril 105mg
  • Generic Bontril 105mg
  • Phendimetrazine 35mg
  • Lomaira 8 mg
  • Contrave
  • Belviq
  • Qysmia

Be sure to consult a physician before taking any medications! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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