Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

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Taking some time to travel and reward yourself with a vacation is vital to maintaining a happy life! Don’t stray away from traveling and taking the time you need to recharge just because of the fear of falling off track. Here are some tips to staying healthy while traveling from your friends at the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana! 

Pack Healthy Snack Options

The Aspen Clinic recommends healthy snacks like berries and unsalted nuts, Chomp jerky sticks, apple slices with almond butter, raw veggies with Tessemae ranch, Thunderbird bars, and Siete chips with Wholly Guacamole. Keeping these snacks with you can help cure hunger before giving into temptation! 

A Morning Walk

Starting your day on vacation with a morning walk will help set yourself up for success! Try setting a goal of 8,000 steps a day. This will not only give you something to work toward, but will also help promote movement throughout the day. Increasing physical activity such as your step count has the power to increase your lifespan by reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses such as dementia, and certain cancers. In some cases, it helps improve health conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Get outside early and take in the new sights around you!


The more water you drink, the more weight you will lose! Keeping a water bottle with you at all times makes you a lot more likely to reach your daily water requirement! According to Everyday Health, Drinking water is important during weight loss because it provides hydration without unwanted calories, which seem to pile up quickly while traveling. Drinking non-caloric fluids like water before or with a meal can help a dieter feel full sooner. Keep a water bottle on you at all times! 

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Not only does alcohol carry a ton of empty calories, it also can lead to what is known as alcoholic fatty liver when excessive amounts are consumed. This condition can damage your liver, affecting the way your body metabolizes and stores carbohydrates and fats. Changes in the way your body stores energy from food can make it very difficult to lose weight. We need all systems running at peak performance in order for the body to stay healthy!

Enjoy Your Vacation!

Nothing happens overnight. Don’t beat yourself up for relaxing or giving in to a few indulgences. Take some time to enjoy yourself and recharge! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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If you are looking for more health and wellness tips, join us at the Aspen Clinic! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

Recommended Summer Reads

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Are you looking for some food for thought as you lounge in the sun this summer? Nothing pairs better with relaxing than a good book! Ditch the romance novel and read something that your future self will thank you for. Here are a few book recommendations from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana!

The Joy of Half a Cookie by Jean Kristeller, PhD

Anyone who’s tried to lose weight through sheer willpower knows how difficult, if not impossible, it can be. In this practical and paradigm-shifting book, Dr. Jean Kristeller presents a new alternative–a program for weight loss based on her successful Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training Program. Instead of frustration, depravation, backsliding, guilt, and a lack of results, The Joy of Half a Cookie provides simple, proven ways to lose weight and keep it off, using what we now know about the power of the mind.

The Energy Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, MD

In The Energy Paradox, Dr. Gundry expands upon his previous discussions of gut, microbiome, and mitochondrial health, linking immune malfunction to the mental and physical symptoms of fatigue—including exhaustion, brain fog, depression, anxiety, and low metabolism.

As Dr. Gundry explains, feeling tired, moody, and zapped of energy is not normal, no matter your workload or age. Fatigue is an SOS flare from the body, one that is intended to alert us that something is wrong. In his clinical work, Dr. Gundry has found that his patients who complain of feeling sick and tired all the time almost always have something in common: the inflammation markers of a leaky gut.

Glucose Revolution by Jesse Inchauspe

Both entertaining, informative, and packed with the latest scientific data, this book presents a new way to think about better health. Glucose Revolution is chock-full of tips that can drastically and immediately improve your life, whatever your dietary preferences. Improve all areas of your health from your weight, sleep, cravings, mood, energy, skin, and even slow down aging, with easy-to-implement, science-based hacks to manage your blood sugar levels while still eating the foods you love.

The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, MD

The New York Times bestselling guide to hormone balance helps women of all ages achieve increased energy, resilience, vitality, and sensuality through science-based natural therapies. All too often women are told that feeling moody, asexual, tapped out, dried up, stressed out, and sleep deprived is just a part of being female. Or they’re led to believe that the answer can be found only at the bottom of a bottle of prescription pills. Dr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvard-educated physician and nationally recognized, board-certified gynecologist, refuses to accept that being a woman means feeling overwhelmed or that popping pills is the new normal. In The Hormone Cure, she shares the unique hormone-balancing program that she has used to help thousands of women reclaim wellness, verve, and optimal health.

Food: What The Heck Should I Eat? By Mark Hyman, MD

In Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? — Dr. Hyman’s most comprehensive book yet — he takes a close look at every food group and explains what we’ve gotten wrong, revealing which foods nurture our health and which pose a threat. From grains to legumes, meat to dairy, fats to artificial sweeteners, and beyond, Dr. Hyman debunks misconceptions and breaks down the fascinating science in his signature accessible style.

He also explains food’s role as powerful medicine capable of reversing chronic disease and shows how our food system and policies impact the environment, the economy, social justice, and personal health, painting a holistic picture of growing, cooking, and eating food in ways that nourish our bodies and the earth while creating a healthy society. With myth-busting insights, easy-to-understand science, and delicious, wholesome recipes, Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? is a no-nonsense guide to achieving optimal weight and lifelong health.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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Looking for more wellness recommendations? The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

Best Multivitamin to Take During Your Weight Loss Journey

Our multivitamin is specially formulated for weight loss patients! It provides a natural whole food source for vitamins and minerals. It also ensures that these nutrients can be digested and absorbed. Whole foods and whole food complexes are entire composites, not synthetic composites or fractions of vitamins.

Unfortunately, most commercially available vitamin supplements provide either synthetic vitamins that are not even complete sources of vitamins. So, if you pick up your vitamin bottle at the local health food store and it reads on the label “Vitamin C as Ascorbate” or “Ascorbic Acid,” you should realize that there is no such thing as an Ascorbic Acid plant or tree; these are not natural ingredients.

When your body is low on vitamins and minerals, your appetite fires up, prompting you to eat more to replenish the nutrients you are missing. While vitamins as a whole do not lead to weight loss, is it still important to take them to provide your body with nutrients that may be lacking from your diet that were once being consumed. 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

Looking for more weight loss support or supplement recommendations? Join us at the Aspen Clinic! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

National Nutrition Month: Tips From The Aspen Clinic

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A nutrition education and information campaign sponsored annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, National Nutrition Month®, held annually in March, focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The Aspen Clinic of Louisiana is here to provide some of our own tips to aid in your nutrition journey! 

Sit Less, Move More

Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health! Being active should never be a punishment on our bodies, get moving by doing an activity you enjoy! Physical activity improves overall health, lowers stress, builds strength, and boosts your mood. 

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is the key to being rewarded for healthy eating and exercise habits. You should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Did you know that people who sleep 8 hours are 30% less likely to gain weight?! Once you prioritize your sleep you’ll overall health will improve!

The Greener, The Better!

Every meal should include a serving of vegetables, especially green ones! Green, leafy vegetables are a great way to bring more vegetables into your diet. Enjoy raw broccoli as a snack or steam it to serve as a side with dinner. 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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Looking for more nutritional support? Join us at the Aspen Clinic! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

What Is A Liver Kidney Supplement?

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Are you looking for a supplement that will detox your system to really kick off your weight loss journey? The Aspen Clinic has just the supplement for you – our Liver Kidney supplement! Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of adding a Liver Kidney supplement into your daily routine from The Aspen Clinic of Louisiana. 

Why Use A Liver Kidney Supplement

“When all else fails, treat the liver.” Your liver is your best friend in terms of weight loss!

The liver and kidneys are the body’s filtration system. Much like the lint filter in your clothes dryer- they all need to be cleaned on a regular basis. The liver and kidneys work to rid the body of all the toxins as well as performing other functions, many of which are “vital” functions. The liver has over 600 functions that are crucial for the body to sustain itself. These organs can only function properly when they are kept clean and provided with certain nutrients.

Our lifestyle today is bombarded with poor diets, processed foods, carbonated beverages, alcohol, and tobacco in addition to environmental toxins and pollutants. The liver and kidneys are overloaded and stay under extreme pressure to keep the body working and disease-free. When the liver and kidneys are not nutritionally supported or adequately cleansed, the body begins to store toxins in the tissues. These toxins can produce an entirely new set of symptoms and problems including fatigue, headaches, insomnia, depression, poor digestion, allergies, and skin conditions. If this lifestyle persists over time, the toxins build up and may even lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and many other autoimmune diseases.

Other important applications for this cleanse include those who have: chronic medication use, high cholesterol, alcohol use, cirrhosis, hepatitis, drug use, constipation, acne and other skin disorders. So remember, when you don’t know what to do or where to begin in supporting a healthy body, always start with cleaning out the liver! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

How to Get Back on Track after Mardi Gras

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Mardi Gras tends to be the time of year that all New Year’s resolutions to make healthy choices get thrown out the window. After all, “Mardi Gras” quite literally translates to “Fat Tuesday” and is meant to be celebrated by feasting upon fatty foods before the lenten season begins.

Because this celebration is literally built around enjoying foods that aren’t very nutritious for the body, how can one make healthy choices at such a time? Have no fear, the Aspen Clinic is here to lend a hand with some tips on how to get yourself back on track after Mardi Gras!

Positive Attitude

Don’t feel bad about indulging during Mardi Gras. Positive thoughts are vital when it comes to getting yourself back on track, as they increase our motivation and energy levels, which will ultimately act as a catalyst for achieving our lifestyle goals! 

Don’t Skip Breakfast

It’s a tale as old as time- breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Getting yourself back on track starts with getting back into beneficial habits. Starting the day off with a nutritious breakfast will help put you on track to make healthy choices for the rest of the day. People who eat breakfast tend to be more mindful of their diets, and have more energy! 

Drink Water When You Wake Up

Water fires up your metabolism, keeps you hydrated, helps your body flush out those Mardi Gras toxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even help curb some lingering hunger cravings! 

Make Lunch Your Biggest Meal

Not only will a big lunch suppress some hunger, it can also help decrease an afternoon slump! Don’t break your healthy stride just because you get a couple of cravings before dinner. Keep yourself on track with a substantial lunch. 

Don’t Eat Too Close To Bedtime

Eating before bed can cause the body’s metabolism to slow. The body slows down its functions at night to prepare for sleep, but consuming foods, especially those high in carbs, can make it harder to digest and result in even more weight gain. 

Move Everyday

It is no secret that exercise and weight loss go hand-in-hand, but it will even help put you back in the mindset of a healthy lifestyle!  Moving around every day, even if only for 15 minutes, will be incredibly beneficial to getting yourself back on track!

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is like nutrition for the brain, and after a few days with nutrition on the back burner, you’ll need it more than ever! Most people need between 7 and 9 hours each night, and according to WebMD, too little sleep triggers a cortisol spike. This stress hormone signals your body to conserve energy to fuel your waking hours. Translation: You’re more apt to hang on to fat. Your mind and your body will thank you for fueling them both with a good night of sleep, and will even reward you with some weight loss! 

Detox with Liver Kidney Supplement

The liver and kidneys are the body’s filtration system. Much like the lint filter in your clothes dryer- they all need to be cleaned on a regular basis. The liver and kidneys work to rid the body of all the toxins as well as performing other functions, many of which are “vital” functions. The liver has over 600 functions that are crucial for the body to sustain itself. These organs can only function properly when they are kept clean and provided with certain nutrients. It would be a great idea to flush your system out for a clean slate post Mardi Gras!

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Make Health & Wellness a Goal in the New Year

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Happy New Year! There is no better way to start a new chapter than by putting yourself first. Make health and wellness a goal for yourself this year and unlock potential you never even dreamed of! Here are some tips to help you start out losing weight and becoming a healthier version of yourself from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana. 

5 Tips To Start Your Wellness Journey

  1. Make the Commitment: Making the decision to change your lifestyle, and become a healthier version of yourself is the biggest step to take when getting started! Start simply by making a commitment to yourself and your body. According to the CDC, many people find it helpful to sign a written contract committing to the process. This contract may include things like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you’d like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you’ll make to establish healthy eating habits, and a plan for getting regular physical activity.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your goal is to create healthier eating habits, don’t just jump in cold turkey! Take it slow and steady, that’s how you will see the best results.
  3. Check In With Yourself: Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. If you set a goal to walk each morning but are having trouble fitting it in before work, see if you can shift your work hours or if you can get your walk in at lunchtime or after work. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
  4. Identify resources for information and support: The Aspen Clinic is here to help you on this journey! You don’t have to do this alone, and shouldn’t! Our nutritional program director and owner, M.Barbie Dupuis, is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and truly believes that health conditions are reflective of poor lifestyle and food choices, and these health problems can be healed with proper nutrition, and is happy to help!
  5. Shop Our Weight Loss Essentials: Our Calorie, Fat, & Carbohydrate Counter, Food Diary, and Water Bottle are the Aspen Clinics 3 Weight Loss Essentials to get started! Show these in our store! Our “Patient Essentials” come included in our Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze packages to provide everything you need to get started! You can also find each item in our online store.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Give Yourself the Gift of Wellness

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The best gift that you can give yourself this holiday season is the gift of wellness. You will thank yourself for years to come if you decide this holiday season that you are going to change your life forever! The Aspen Clinic is here to help you make the lifestyle change that you need to feel great. Join us this holiday season and get yourself on track for the rest of your life. 

What Is A Lifestyle Change?

The Aspen Clinic’s program is not a diet- it is a lifestyle change! A diet is a temporary change. You change your eating habits temporarily until you meet your weight loss goal, and then you return to your old ways. This takes quite the toll on the body and will have you right back where you started in no time. 

A lifestyle change consists of adopting healthy habits that promote long-term weight loss and control. This means making small changes in your everyday life, rather than making drastic changes all at once. Some examples of ways to kickstart your lifestyle change could be:

  • Gradually cutting back on junk food
  • Organize / plan workouts as a part of your everyday routine
  • Meal prepping
  • Drinking more water
  • Trying to incorporate more nutrient dense foods and cutting back on junk food
  • Organize / plan physical activity as a part of your day
  • Meal prepping
  • Drinking more water
  • Meditate or find ways to manage stress
  • Reduce TV or screen time to prioritize sleep

Eventually, if you stick to it, it will become a routine, and each step you take toward bettering your health will become a permanent change. Giving yourself this gift of wellness will be the best thing you have ever done! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

The Aspen Clinic program is here to help you give yourself the ultimate gift of wellness this holiday season. Our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

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Why Fall is a Great Time to Join the Aspen Clinic

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The leaves are changing, the temperatures are a bit less hot, and football is on the TV- it’s fall! Not only is fall one of the best times of the year, it is also the best time to join the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana! Here are a few reasons why we think you should sign up to start your weight loss journey and embrace healthy habits this fall. 

Spend Some Time Outside

There is nothing quite like the crisp air of the fall season. There couldn’t be a more comfortable time to get outside and start exercising! Take a stroll in one of Louisiana’s beautiful parks, or do a little work out in your backyard! Take advantage of the beautiful weather with the help of the Aspen Clinic’s guidance this fall! 

Post-Summer Restart

It is only human to over-indulge on ice cream and cheeseburgers during the summer. Let us help you get back on track, or even start your weight loss journey and work off the last of the summer indulgences! 

Develop Healthy Habits Before the Holidays

It is so hard to stay on track with your weight loss journey when the holidays roll around. If you join the Aspen Clinic before they arrive, you’ll be able to set yourself up with a sturdy foundation of healthy habits! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. Get some tips on how to maintain those changes before temptation strikes! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Off the Scale Ways to Measure Success

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Are you doing everything you can to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle, but you still aren’t seeing results on the scale? Let’s ignore the numbers for now, and explore some other ways to track your progress! Here are a few ways to ditch the scale and measure your progress in other ways from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana. 

Try On Old Clothes

Do you remember those old jeans you left in the back of your closet because you grew out of them? Take them out and try them on! Even if they still aren’t fitting as you would like them to, you are sure to have made some progress if you have stayed on track. Try on some old clothes. Maybe some fit perfectly now, or maybe some are too big all of a sudden! 

Write Down Measurements

Yes, measurements are still numbers, but sometimes it is easier to see progress through loss of inches around your body than it is with numbers on a scale! Take down your measurements one every week, or even every two weeks if you want to see bigger gaps in your measurements! 

Analyze Endurance

Another great way to keep track of your progress is to take note of your endurance! Were you able to walk an extra mile that you couldn’t before? That is major progress, and something you should be proud of!

Mindset Matters More

At the end of the day, if you feel good about your progress it doesn’t matter what the number on the scale says. If you are living a healthy lifestyle but the scale isn’t reflecting that in the way that you would like it to, that is no reason to give up. As long as you stick to it, results will come! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!