What Fruits Are Good For Weight Loss at Night?

If you’re someone who identifies as a late-night snacker, the Aspen Clinic has great news: there are fruits that are both delicious and smart, satisfying sweet treat cravings after sunset without ruining your daily progress. Avoid problematic late-night foods and open up your taste buds and loosen your belt at the same time!  

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What Fruits Are Good For Weight Loss at Night?

Read on to discover the benefits of replacing ice cream and sweets with berries, apples, grapefruit, pears, and kiwi tonight! 

Berries Abound

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are not only low in calories but also high in fiber and antioxidants, magnesium, and vitamin K. The fiber content helps control hunger and promotes feelings of fullness, while antioxidants support overall health. Enjoy them on their own, mixed into dairy-free yogurt, or as a topping for a small bowl of whole-grain cereal.

All-Season Apples For Weight Loss

An apple a day can indeed help keep weight gain away. Apples, rich in vitamins C and E, polyphenols, and dietary fiber, can help you feel satiated and prevent overeating. Their natural sweetness offers a guilt-free way to satisfy your sweet tooth, too! Just remember to enjoy them with the skin on for maximum nutritional benefits.

Metabolic-Friendly Grapefruit

This tangy and refreshing fruit has been linked to weight loss due to its metabolism-boosting and blood-sugar-regulation potential. Its high water content can also help you feel fuller, aiding in portion control. Enjoy half of a grapefruit as a light snack that doubles as a source of lycopene and thiamine.

Pears For The Win

Pears are an excellent source of dietary fiber and can promote feelings of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake like the other mentioned fruits. Their natural sweetness and juicy texture make them a go-to choice for a sweet nighttime snack. Capitalize on, folate, vitamin C, copper, and potassium when you snack on them!

Kiwi Kills Fatty Cravings

Last, but never least, Kiwi is a low-calorie, fiber-packed fruit supplying vitamins C, E, and K. Your body also extracts magnesium, calcium, and iron from this cute, fuzzy green fruit.

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Learn to Optimize Nightly Snacks with Fruit in Louisiana

We’re proud to guide your healthy nutrition in Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell. Each Louisiana location can be the catalyst in ushering in weight loss success! 

What Burns Belly Fat?

Ask The Aspen Clinic: What Burns Belly Fat?

Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, not only affects how we feel about ourselves, it can also indicate various health risks. Understanding why it accumulates and knowing how to combat it can be the key to achieving your weight-loss goals with the Aspen Clinic.

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What Is Belly Fat And How Does It Accumulate?

Belly fat builds for several reasons: genetics, lack of exercise, and negative changes in your hormonal regulation. However, more often than not, when we consume more calories than our bodies burn, the excess transforms into fat and can concentrate in the abdominal region. Later, you can see a greater belly compounding effect with added stress and lack of sleep–which all work together to trigger cortisol release, a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat storage. The Aspen Clinic can provide you with a great adrenal stress management product if you’re committed to controlling harmful, fat-promoting hormonal excesses!

How Can I Burn Belly Fat: Taking The Gentle Path to Weight Loss

While high-intensity workouts are popular for their belly-burning potential, low-intensity exercises also play a crucial role in flattening your stomach. Walking, swimming, hiking, and biking at a moderate pace engage your core and encourage fat metabolism. There’s also the option to balance cardio activities with weight lifting! Because lifting weights involves longer-term calorie burning, it’s an excellent way to reset your metabolism and passively burn calories. 

Dairy-Free Foods For Burning Belly Fat Fast

Avoiding dairy helps accelerate belly fat reduction. Going dairy-free can also help you field bloating or inflammation sensations that lactose can create. Opting for dairy-free alternatives can help alleviate these issues and encourage a flatter belly. Over the course of 3-6 months, try out recipes with the following ingredients and watch your body transform:

  • Avocados and virgin olive oil
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard 

The Aspen Clinic also provides its patients with great resources on the best, protein-rich foods for weight loss if you’re curious to know more! We also recommend doing your best to keep blood sugars low in your fight against belly fat. Our semaglutide and tirzepatide medications assist with this!

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Fight Belly Fat With The Aspen Clinic In Louisiana

We have several easy-to-find Louisiana locations where you can take control of stubborn belly fat with the Aspen Clinic! We’re here to support your weight loss goals in Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell. 

Product of the Month: ADRENAL!

Adrenal: Your Weight Loss Support Companion

Are you struggling to shed stubborn pounds? Our August product of the month, Adrenal, presents a revolutionary solution to aid your weight loss journey while providing essential adrenal support. The Aspen Clinic’s exclusive blend of powerful nutrients and herbs was designed to optimize adrenal function, especially during periods of peak emotional or physical stress, making it an invaluable tool in your weight loss arsenal.

Try Adrenal Today!

What’s The Connection Between The Adrenal Glands and Weight Gain?

Located above your kidneys, the adrenal glands are responsible for metabolic, immune system, and stress response regulation. Adrenal overstimulation normally happens when the adrenals become fatigued by consistent mental or emotional stress. This type of adrenal strain often leads to stubborn hormone-induced weight gain in the belly area. 

What Do Cortisol and Epinephrine Do To Your Adrenals?

Cortisol, when released by the adrenals in excess, can lead to muscle catabolism, which is a scientific way of saying that excessive cortisol breaks down muscle rather than fat. This makes progress towards a leaner physique even more challenging. In times of stress, your body also overproduces epinephrine. This type of prolonged adrenal fatigue can lead to issues like dehydration, compromised kidney health, increased wrinkles, and accelerated aging. 

A Poor Diet’s Effect On The Adrenal Glands

Our modern diets are saturated with caffeine, sugar, saturated fats, dairy, and processed foods that overwork the adrenal glands. Adrenal helps to ease that pressure, allowing your body to focus on muscle growth rather than breakdown and fat loss rather than gain.

Why and How Do I Use Adrenal?

Our Adrenal product steps in as a weight loss ally in instances where your body overproduces potentially fat-inducing cortisol hormones, safeguarding your hard-earned muscle gains. Adrenal also empowers your body to enable effective hormone synthesis, helping to prevent any undesirable consequences of epinephrine overproduction. We recommend taking 1 capsule in the morning, but no more than 3 times a day.

Try Adrenal Today!

Support Your Adrenal Health and Join The Aspen Clinic!

With time, proper dieting, and adequate exercise, Adrenal will actively work to decrease the muscle-depleting effects of cortisol and epinephrine overproduction, propelling you that much more quickly toward optimal fat-burning and muscle-building. Visit Aspen Clinic locations in Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, or Slidell today to learn more!

Master The Four Pillars of Weight Loss with The Aspen Clinic

Choosing to lose weight is a journey, an empowering decision, and a challenge–all at the same time. Therefore, anyone brave enough to attempt losing weight should be familiar with the four pillars of weight loss: proper nutrition, adequate sleep, healthy levels of exercise, and emotional health care. Explore each integral element with the Aspen Clinic below!

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The Importance of Nutrition: Food as Foundational 

Proper nutrition is the foundation of any successful weight loss plan. Opt for a balanced and dairy-free diet rich in nutrient-dense and protein-packed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and plant-based alternatives. These choices provide essential vitamins and minerals without the added calories and saturated fats often found in dairy products. Remember, portion control is key–even overeating healthy foods can jeopardize progress.

Proper Sleep: Recharge, Revamp, and Recover 

Quality sleep is often overlooked in weight loss discussions, but it plays a vital role in your journey. Lack of sleep disrupts hunger hormones, leading to increased cravings and poor food choices. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night to recharge your body and mind, promoting healthier decisions throughout the day and quicker recovery from weight lifting and other repairs your body needs to make after a long day. 

Exercise is Key: Say Hello to Light, Fun Activities

Exercise doesn’t have to be intense or grueling. Light exercise activities can be just as beneficial, especially for beginners or those with physical limitations. Engage in activities that you enjoy, such as brisk walking, dancing, or yoga. These exercises not only burn calories but also boost mood and energy levels, making your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

Emotional Health is an Important Factor in Weight Loss Motivation

Weight loss isn’t merely physical; it’s intimately tied to emotional health. Emotional eating can derail progress, so healthier, more regulated approaches to coping with stress, trauma, and difficult, complex emotions are essential to staying on track. Practice mindfulness, yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to soothe your mind and heart. Seek support from loved ones, from mental health professionals, or join our weight loss community in Louisiana to stay encouraged!

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Master the Four Pillars of Weight Loss with The Aspen Clinic

Contact us today and visit the Aspen Clinic with convenient locations in Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell. 

Advantages of In-Person Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss clinic stock image

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Adopting a healthy lifestyle and better eating habits are both necessary components to losing weight. Managing these things can be tough especially for those who aren’t sure how to get started or stay on track. This is where joining an in-person weight loss program, like the Aspen Clinic, can be really helpful. 

At the Aspen Clinic we offer in-person medical and non-medical weight loss programs based on what your needs are. There are plenty of benefits to joining an in-person program because you’ll get to work with licensed professionals and meet other people in your position. 

Benefits to In-Person Weight Loss Programs

  • In-person support- Losing weight is not an easy thing to do and it can definitely get frustrating if you aren’t seeing the results you want. Joining an in-person program can help you build relationships with other people in the program who might be struggling too and can offer support. 
  • Accountability- You’re able to hold yourself more accountable and stay on track with an in-person program. With online programs it can be easier to make excuses and not follow through, sometimes knowing you have to show up somewhere for yourself and for your health can be the push you need. 
  • Supervision- When you are supervised by a doctor or nutritionist it’s not only safer and more effective, it can also help you become less discouraged if you aren’t seeing results you want. When supervised you are more likely to follow good eating habits and follow an exercise plan instead of falling back into bad habits.

A program custom for your needs- In-person medical weight loss programs are customized based on the individual and their needs. Your doctor will design a personalized program based on factors like current weight, lifestyle, and general health. 

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!

Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

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Taking some time to travel and reward yourself with a vacation is vital to maintaining a happy life! Don’t stray away from traveling and taking the time you need to recharge just because of the fear of falling off track. Here are some tips to staying healthy while traveling from your friends at the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana! 

Pack Healthy Snack Options

The Aspen Clinic recommends healthy snacks like berries and unsalted nuts, Chomp jerky sticks, apple slices with almond butter, raw veggies with Tessemae ranch, Thunderbird bars, and Siete chips with Wholly Guacamole. Keeping these snacks with you can help cure hunger before giving into temptation! 

A Morning Walk

Starting your day on vacation with a morning walk will help set yourself up for success! Try setting a goal of 8,000 steps a day. This will not only give you something to work toward, but will also help promote movement throughout the day. Increasing physical activity such as your step count has the power to increase your lifespan by reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses such as dementia, and certain cancers. In some cases, it helps improve health conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Get outside early and take in the new sights around you!


The more water you drink, the more weight you will lose! Keeping a water bottle with you at all times makes you a lot more likely to reach your daily water requirement! According to Everyday Health, Drinking water is important during weight loss because it provides hydration without unwanted calories, which seem to pile up quickly while traveling. Drinking non-caloric fluids like water before or with a meal can help a dieter feel full sooner. Keep a water bottle on you at all times! 

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Not only does alcohol carry a ton of empty calories, it also can lead to what is known as alcoholic fatty liver when excessive amounts are consumed. This condition can damage your liver, affecting the way your body metabolizes and stores carbohydrates and fats. Changes in the way your body stores energy from food can make it very difficult to lose weight. We need all systems running at peak performance in order for the body to stay healthy!

Enjoy Your Vacation!

Nothing happens overnight. Don’t beat yourself up for relaxing or giving in to a few indulgences. Take some time to enjoy yourself and recharge! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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If you are looking for more health and wellness tips, join us at the Aspen Clinic! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

Recommended Summer Reads

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Are you looking for some food for thought as you lounge in the sun this summer? Nothing pairs better with relaxing than a good book! Ditch the romance novel and read something that your future self will thank you for. Here are a few book recommendations from the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana!

The Joy of Half a Cookie by Jean Kristeller, PhD

Anyone who’s tried to lose weight through sheer willpower knows how difficult, if not impossible, it can be. In this practical and paradigm-shifting book, Dr. Jean Kristeller presents a new alternative–a program for weight loss based on her successful Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training Program. Instead of frustration, depravation, backsliding, guilt, and a lack of results, The Joy of Half a Cookie provides simple, proven ways to lose weight and keep it off, using what we now know about the power of the mind.

The Energy Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, MD

In The Energy Paradox, Dr. Gundry expands upon his previous discussions of gut, microbiome, and mitochondrial health, linking immune malfunction to the mental and physical symptoms of fatigue—including exhaustion, brain fog, depression, anxiety, and low metabolism.

As Dr. Gundry explains, feeling tired, moody, and zapped of energy is not normal, no matter your workload or age. Fatigue is an SOS flare from the body, one that is intended to alert us that something is wrong. In his clinical work, Dr. Gundry has found that his patients who complain of feeling sick and tired all the time almost always have something in common: the inflammation markers of a leaky gut.

Glucose Revolution by Jesse Inchauspe

Both entertaining, informative, and packed with the latest scientific data, this book presents a new way to think about better health. Glucose Revolution is chock-full of tips that can drastically and immediately improve your life, whatever your dietary preferences. Improve all areas of your health from your weight, sleep, cravings, mood, energy, skin, and even slow down aging, with easy-to-implement, science-based hacks to manage your blood sugar levels while still eating the foods you love.

The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, MD

The New York Times bestselling guide to hormone balance helps women of all ages achieve increased energy, resilience, vitality, and sensuality through science-based natural therapies. All too often women are told that feeling moody, asexual, tapped out, dried up, stressed out, and sleep deprived is just a part of being female. Or they’re led to believe that the answer can be found only at the bottom of a bottle of prescription pills. Dr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvard-educated physician and nationally recognized, board-certified gynecologist, refuses to accept that being a woman means feeling overwhelmed or that popping pills is the new normal. In The Hormone Cure, she shares the unique hormone-balancing program that she has used to help thousands of women reclaim wellness, verve, and optimal health.

Food: What The Heck Should I Eat? By Mark Hyman, MD

In Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? — Dr. Hyman’s most comprehensive book yet — he takes a close look at every food group and explains what we’ve gotten wrong, revealing which foods nurture our health and which pose a threat. From grains to legumes, meat to dairy, fats to artificial sweeteners, and beyond, Dr. Hyman debunks misconceptions and breaks down the fascinating science in his signature accessible style.

He also explains food’s role as powerful medicine capable of reversing chronic disease and shows how our food system and policies impact the environment, the economy, social justice, and personal health, painting a holistic picture of growing, cooking, and eating food in ways that nourish our bodies and the earth while creating a healthy society. With myth-busting insights, easy-to-understand science, and delicious, wholesome recipes, Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? is a no-nonsense guide to achieving optimal weight and lifelong health.

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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Looking for more wellness recommendations? The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started! 
You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

The Aspen Clinic In Lafayette Has a New Home

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Our Lafayette location has a new home! Visit us at 3802 Johnston St, Suite A! 

Our family-owned business is dedicated to helping people fulfill their healthy weight loss, and and then keep it off! Whether you’re wanting to lose 12 pounds or 120 pounds, we can assist with an exercise and meal plan, along with other potentially small lifestyle changes to take away the weight for good.

In addition to our nutritional program, The Aspen Clinic also offers a huge line of all natural supplements that help to speed up the weight loss process and boost overall health, and now it is easier than ever to shop our supplements with The Aspen Way app! All of our supplements are completely natural and food-based, rather than made in a laboratory from synthetic chemical ingredients (90% of supplement companies use synthetic vitamins/supplements). All of the supplements can be taken in combination with each other, and also in combination with any type of medication. All of our supplement ingredients can be found in a garden, making them perfectly recognizable and usable to the body.

Looking for easy access to our resources? Now you can take them wherever you go with the help of The Aspen Way! Take advantage of all that The Aspen Way has to offer and download it to your smartphone today! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting, so even if you are not worried about weight loss , we would still love to offer you support! In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Book an appointment on the app at any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started.

Holiday Weight Loss Challenge

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It’s that time of year again! Halloween marks just the start of several holidays over the next three months that all place a heavy focus on food.

Late October through New Year’s Day is a time of fun celebrations, family get-togethers, gift-giving, and a three-month food fest—one that you shouldn’t let end in weight gain. 

The problem is that weight gained during the holiday season can take months to lose, according to a new study. In many cases, individuals never lose the weight, packing on extra pounds that stay on and accumulate year after year.

Take control of the holiday season now – get on a plan, stick to it, and let the Aspen Clinic help you stay on track throughout the next three months! Because before you know it, it’ll be Mardi Gras! 

How The Holiday Weight Loss Challenge Works

Let us offer you an incentive to stay on track during the holidays.  Get $1 off for every pound lost from the end of October through New Years Day. If you lose 5 pounds, $5 will be taken off of your bill for your visit in 2023! 

Challenge yourself this holiday season. Stick to your plan and save some money during the time you need it most! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 

You can also visit our online store, we carry all the weight loss essentials including water bottles, vitamins / supplements, protein powders, and more!

Why Fall is a Great Time to Join the Aspen Clinic

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The leaves are changing, the temperatures are a bit less hot, and football is on the TV- it’s fall! Not only is fall one of the best times of the year, it is also the best time to join the Aspen Clinic of Louisiana! Here are a few reasons why we think you should sign up to start your weight loss journey and embrace healthy habits this fall. 

Spend Some Time Outside

There is nothing quite like the crisp air of the fall season. There couldn’t be a more comfortable time to get outside and start exercising! Take a stroll in one of Louisiana’s beautiful parks, or do a little work out in your backyard! Take advantage of the beautiful weather with the help of the Aspen Clinic’s guidance this fall! 

Post-Summer Restart

It is only human to over-indulge on ice cream and cheeseburgers during the summer. Let us help you get back on track, or even start your weight loss journey and work off the last of the summer indulgences! 

Develop Healthy Habits Before the Holidays

It is so hard to stay on track with your weight loss journey when the holidays roll around. If you join the Aspen Clinic before they arrive, you’ll be able to set yourself up with a sturdy foundation of healthy habits! The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. Get some tips on how to maintain those changes before temptation strikes! 

Join The Aspen Clinic – We Have 9 Locations in Louisiana

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The Aspen Clinic program is based on lifestyle changes, not temporary dieting. In summary, our program is designed to increase your metabolism and help you develop a new set of eating and activity habits. We will individualize your program according to your daily caloric needs to ensure that you are losing fat and avoiding the loss of lean muscle mass. 
Visit any of our Aspen Clinic locations across Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Covington, Hammond, Harvey, Houma, Lafayette, Metairie, Prairieville, and Slidell, or schedule an appointment today to get started!